Saturday, February 25, 2012


 I was bragging about it getting warm , then it suddenly became rather chilly out. I know to all my family and friends up there on the Saint Lawrence River, this sounds like a joke , but it is only 58 degrees out and going to drop to 48 tonight. I know, your thinking, Is she kidding?  See I lived within  6 miles of the Canadian border in the Alexandria Bay Area.  So I know what you have for winters up there. Ah, but you see I have been down here on the Gulf coast are for 6 years. My body has been acclimatized. I'm use to the warm weather, an I like it that way.  I try to travel up to visit my family and friends once a year or every other year.     I use to love seeing the trees change color in the fall, and the first snowfall.  But I always wanted the warm weather to come right back.  Now, you couldn't pay me to live up there in the winter.I lived in Indianapolis, Indiana during the big Blizzard of 1978, while you all got 30 feet tall snow drifts , I was laughing because the city of Indy was totally at a stand still with only a couple of snow plows and they only had 2 feet of snow. I grew up with snow so I was driving all over the place. I was having a ball. But I hear that  Indiana has since got themselves fully equipped for snow removal. They get a lot of the cold weather and snow these days since global warming has progressed.
       My son and his family have been moving in next door. I was over there the other night , while Tina and Ty was there , I was helping with Ty, keeping him out of mischief. He was busy with the broom pretending to sweep.  As you can see , he was very busy.  He is only 14 months old. He loves to help, He really likes to stack cans . If you want to keep him busy take a bunch of cans ,put them on the floor and let him see you putting them in the cabinet.He will start doing it and be happy, in fact when he gets them all in , he will take them back out and start all over again.  I love being a grandma. (smile)  That's about it for today, be blessed and Happy.Tell someone you love them,because tomorrow maybe to late.  Jodie

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

From Teddy to Grizzily

 If you are a regular reader of our bloggs , you know that I write  about everyday things. Such as my Grandson or my dogs etc. A deal at the store or a new recipe, But My other half, Howard is a man who steps up and says what he thinks about the horrible current events all over the world.  Believe me, when you read his blogg, it may sound like he is a violent man. He is not, in fact a lot of his friends have taken advantage of him . He is a very gentle giving man.  But don't do anything to anyone he cares about , he can  go from my big teddy bear,to a big Grizzly Bear and rip you apart. So when you read his blogg ,just so you know he is not a mad man.  He just tells it like it is!  I wouldn't have him any other way.  Now for my big news. My son , his wife Tina and Tiberius my precious Grandson,are buying the place behind us.  It is awsome. Now we will be able to watch Ti as he is growing up.  I love this idea, and I am not a meddling Mother-in-law, I try to stay out of their problems . They need to count on each other, and they are doing pretty good.  On another note, Howard caught my cold,  so we are coughing together.  Should be gone soon.  Here is a tip : try Mucinex DM it is fantastic, it really does break up  chest congestion.  When I had pneumonia  in the hospital, they gave it to me. So when I get a cold I use it so it does not go into pmeumonia.It works very well. Well thats about it for now be blessed and Happy.  Jodie

Friday, February 10, 2012


We now have a new family member, Boodro, he is a 1 year old male Pitbull. They say he is a blue nose. As you can see he is very well musceled already. He is going to be a power house when he does finally mature. All those horrible accusations about how mean they are and how the pitbull is not to be trusted, that is because of the dogs who were mistreated and made mean or afraid, because of what humans have done to them. They are like all dogs , actually most living things, when shown love and kindness ,if there is no health disorder to cause other wise,will return love and kindness. I have also included a picture of Bama, the 2 yr old female pit bull that they have had since she was about8 weeks old. She is a bundle of love they both are. She is a red nose very pretty red colored body with white markings. Where as Boodro had a dark color much darker than she is with more white markings. I was never really interested in this breed until I moved south and they are everywhere, 90 % of them that I have seen are very friendly. Only 10% of the pits that I have seen are good watch dogs, the 2 that my son has are big babies and not watch dogs at all .Its all in how they are raised. I guess what I am trying to say is these wonderful animals are getting a bad reputation because of a few poor messed up dogs.We are bad for doing this as human beings, we judge everything and everyone by what a few do or look like etc. Wake up humans open your eyes and ears, think a bout it. Well thats it for now be happy and blessed. Jodie

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

We went shopping!

Was a great day, we went shopping,Tina,Tiberius, Howard and I.It was a beautiful day, not hot-not cold, one of those days when you have no complaint about the weather. So we went over to Florida because there is no sales tax on groceries,they charge 9% tax over here in Alabama.Plus, we wanted to buy a couple of lottery tickets wishing to win the 200 million dollars in the power ball drawing tonight.Alabama doesn't believe in the lottery, they are against any type of gambling. Most of the states are using the money thet get from the gambling taxes to help their states with the schools and other inportant things. Alabama is very foolish, they would be a whole lot better off financially if they would let the people gamble right in their own state. Why should the other states reap the harvest from Our citizens going outside of our state to gamble and buy lottery tickets? Sometimes the old fashioned ways are not the best ways. Anyhow, if Howard and I hit a big amount of money we plan to take care of some charities . We have some that are dear to our hearts. We feel that if we are blessed with a big windfdall, it is only right that we help those less fortunate than us. I personally have 3 passions, they are the children, animals and homeless people. Howard has a couple of others but I know these are his also. So wish us luck!!! Shopping was fun, I had Tiberius in the shopping cart with me and Tina, Howard was gathering the things we needed for our house and Tina and I were getting the foods that Tiberius liked. He is such a wonderful baby 14 months old(looks 2 1/2)he is very good when we take him in public. He jibber jabbers about everything and giggles. It is a lot of fun to shop with him,We stopped to get burgers and fries at Wendys he ate almost all of his fries and half of his burger! He has a great big appetite.I think he weighs about 28 pounds right now and he is 29 inches tall. I would say good size for 14 months, wouldn't you
say so?Bye for today. everyone be blessed.Jodie

Friday, February 3, 2012

Busey Day!

Well today is the 3rd of the month,which if you are disabled and on social security, means pay day. So it was an extremely busey day. Paying bills, shopping, and enjoying being out for a while. Since gas prices have been so high we do not go out unless it is a necessary trip. When it warms up and we can use the pool, it won't even bother us to stay home. Last summer we actually dreaded having to go out because we were having such a good time in the pool.This year should be even better. Tiberius is 14 months old so he will be able to actually play, and have fun. He loved the water last year but he was still in the infant stage where he wasn't walking etc. But he sure loved splashing his grandma. I laughed so much with him, I love being a grandma. So now I am trying to find where they sell the little baby carriers made out of the stuff boogie boards are made of. So I can put him in it in the pool.Im not sure they make life vests for 11/2 yr old children. Whatever we will find them. The next thing is for Howard and Chris to extend the deck out farther so we can use it more.Sun bathing,cookouts,and just hanging out enjoying the good weather.I'm not sure but I believe it will end up about 10 ft by 26 ft, when they do this I will put a picture of it on here.I am always talking about our dogs and I finally got a nice picture of Sparkey so i am putting it on here,she is one of the gentlest dogs I have ever been around. I am sure she has taken after the collie side since she is not agressive,so she looks mostly shepherd except the snout is more narrow and longer like the collie she is beautiful body and personality. I love dogs and horses they are my 2 passions, well besides Howard and my family hehehehe! Enough for today ,be happy and blessed Jodie.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Already Feb,2012

Time is our greatest enemy.For now at least,no way to change that.Me,I was born on July 3rd. 66 years ago. That means on a sliding scale the end is not to far in the future.Funny how we were immortale in our 20's!! Anway july 3rd is a good day. Franz Kafka was born to write books.Ken Russell to direct films,Poly Styrene to sing and Tom Cruise to act.Not bad for a scientologist from Alfa Sentori.I am in good company. Then events that were on July 3rd: the last pair of Aurks where killed,the 3rd and last battle of Gettysburg, Idaho became the 43rd state in America,as well as the feast of ST.Thomas the apostle.Look it up,186 world events so far on July 3rd...So Tom Cruise and me.He is married to katie Holmes.Cute but as a guy, why be with any women who puts her bra on backwards and it still fits?----NOW- the American economy.Things are tough for 98% of us. So we resort to other measures to tighten our hold on money.We have here in this country thrift stores.Later to day I will buy 1 months supply of bread.8 whole wheat multi grain loaves-2 loves of texas toast(thick sliced white bread)2-loaves gravy dipping bread(BBQ bread)-4 packages of rolls of which 2 are onion-and 3 packages of wheat subs(small french).To buy this in Walmart costs around $65.00.But in a bread thrift store $33.00. Quite a savings.So there are discount meat stores,clothing stores>(Salvation Army or Goodwill),even wii-xbox and play station game stores.Because things are tight to the point, some weeks I run in the minus money wise.That makes above great for me and my gal.We cut coupons from ads sent by mail and use the computer to down load more coupons. Then there are different types of dollar stores!! Everything in the store sells for $1.00 plus tax.Other types of dollar store offer items for a dollar and up.They sell can+bag dog food(I have 2 dogs),can veggies,can ham,chip,dips,and often some meats and cheese.By now you must have a picture in your head of what I mean. In 2 daysI get my social security check.This is all the money I have,but while there is none left after paying my bills and buying food,it is still better then the 3rd world country's people have.I love my country even thought I dispise the congress and the senate.Unlike most Americans who have no health insurance....I served in the military for 5 years.This means my health care,doctors,operations are paid for by my government. Not all though.Medicine glasse's-dentist are not.Still it is good to be in America.That's about it for me today. In a day or two I will get back to things around the world that effect all of us. BE WELL,BE BLESSED,BE HAPPY.JUST FOR THE HECK OF IT CALL SOMEONE YOU CARE ABOUT AND SAY HELLO--- BYE HOWARD This is a picture of Sparkey. She is a sweetheart.