Thursday, March 29, 2012

So it is almost done!

  The deck is almost completed. Chris has been working on it and he is doing a great job.  They ,Howard and Chris, have made a few changes in how it was originally supposed to be ,but they are good changes. It is almost finished. When it is, I will be putting up pictures.  They decided to make the far end into a grilling area, Complete with the corner walled in and shelves.
Howard and Chris
   I got in the pool yesterday and almost froze.  The guys said it was nice and they were in there . Well I have always been the girl who refused to be out done by a guy so in I went, brrrrrrr!and brrrrrr!again! I was freezing, but  I stayed in , actually it helped my shoulder, I have bursitis very badly. So I did my exercises in the cold water and to my surprise it actually helped.  My sons have all played football, infact 2 of them played semi pro. They always said ice packs and cold water helps more than heat. I am a believer!

   So here it is 3/22/2012. The temperature is 80 degrees and the sun is shining, we have a possibility of Thunder storms later. You wouldn't know it though if you could see it, it is a beautiful day. Thats what I love about Alabama, its like having summer most of the year. We only get  about the total of 1 1/2 months of cold weather, and at that usually you only require a sweater or light jacket during the day, but the furnace sometimes at night.  But other than, that it is warm, warmer and hot temperatures. I grew up in Northern New York State, where you had from June to about the first week of September of warm and warmer temperatures.  I actually liked the snow but wanted it gone after i was done playing in it. I would actually cry and tell my mom that I wanted summer all the time. She use to tell me wait until you grow up and then live in the south.. Well it was the long way around but I finally landed in Alabama a crazy man , and I couldn't be any happier.
    Well I guess that's about it for today be blessed and Happy. Jodie

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Saturday 3/24/2012


 How beautiful today was and the sun set was equally beautiful.  When I get up and see the beautiful blue skies here in Alabama I  am so happy that I moved down here. Then I look at my crazy man's smile as he says goodmorning and I am positive that I am where I am supposed to be.
   Today I got a few things accomplished , clearing out stuff that is  just junk, especially in the mail category.I have a bad habit of keeping things that should go into the trash can. And I also have a habit of not looking at my mail, I just set it aside ,Howard will put it in front of me , he says it drives him" nuts" that I do not check it right away.  Its ok though, one of us has to be on top of things.  I will finally open it  smile at him ,and ask him if he is happy and he will smile back and say yes.  We really do get along wonderfully.  He is the only man that actually comes close to understanding me. That means a lot, and if there is a problem we sit and talk , which is the way it should be. Its all about listening to each other.  It really does work. He never shouts , he explains his point , and if I am right he will admit it and I do the same.  I love my life.
    Well it looks like we may be able to get into the pool tomorrow.  It is warm enough    now.  So our summer is beginning. We are usually in the pool a couple of hours every day that it doesn't rain. Now that we have the deck  increased and the ladder attached to it it is much easier and its going to be a great summer. We will put pictures up every so often. Well I am going to go watch the television with Howard so be blessed and happy  Jodie

Thursday, March 22, 2012

What a Day!

  Well, here it is. I wasn't planning on doing this blogg today but I need to vent and I guess this is the best way to do it. First it seems to me that once in a while someone would listen to me.I am refering to my youngest son Chris who is in the process of building on to our deck, which , if you read the last blogg , you know about.  I told him he was getting sunburned he was red, he just said "I will have a beautiful tan." Well at around midnight he comes into the house like crazy man . His sunburn became very bad with an allergic reaction, he had itching that he said felt like fire ants biting him all over where the burn was. He took a shower  but it made it worse so he kept rubbing it , which you should never do and he made it raw. So any of the creams for sunburn made it burn because of the menthol to cool a normal burn. Finally after he was almost insane with the itching, his wife took him to the hospital er.they gave him a shot and some pills .they went home, But he put some other cream on and started burning . So the last time they called me it was 5am.  I haven't heard since, they must be asleep  finally.I went to sleep and got up at 10 am.
     My next complaint is this; when you sign into this site where they stop telemarketers from calling.Why do theystill get away with calling? It is very irritating to be in the middle of something and have to stop every 15 minutes to answer the phone , when it is an unnecessary call. If I was interested in their product I would call them! So stop calling. I guess that is my complants for this afternoon.  Hope your day has been blessed and happy, until next time Jodie

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hey World!

 Well. My other half and son Chris have been enlargeing our deck from 10 x10 to 10 x22.It is almost done I am putting pictures on , they are of the beginning and as it is progressing. AS you can see it is going well.
We should have it completed in a day or so.If you look carefully , you can see how they have put the ladder  so it is through the floor. when it is all finished, there will be a gate infront of the ladder with a child proof lock so Tiberius does not get into it . The way the wholething will have plenty of room for the deck lounge chairs , the grill and a sall table and chairs.  Yes, I believe our dream is going to come true. Howard and I have talked about having this for a long time. Thank you Christopher for being here to help us and I hope you ,Tina and little Ty  have as much fun as we do. We love you all so much.
  Well people thats about it for today,be blessed and happy.  Jodie 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

 Well here it is March and for the 17th , it is beautiful outside.It is like mid summer here, ny son and a friend are outside getting the pool ready, and adding an extra 16 feet to our deck.  I think it will be a great summer. Lots of fun at home, and the good part about it is that Chris and Tina,and Ty,my son and his wife and son ( my grandson
  live right next to us. Since gas prices are so high , we will be home most of the time.They only need to walk across the back yard.  This picture of the Palm tree was taken at the beach Gulf shores it is so beautiful,with the white sand and is one of our favorite places. The picture of the pool was taken 2 yrs ago when relatives were up to visit.Chris ,(my son) was catching  Cole who was 6yrs old. Cole wanted to cannon ball but was to small and didn't know how to swim.He and Chris did that for quite a while.  I remember he remarked the next day that his arms were a little sore. He had fun though. You should see the flowers I especially like the azalea bushes they are gorgeous.  I go down the road in aw of all the beauty in this state.

      Chris and I were talking about having a cook out tomorrow with us and pool fun.It will be a fun Sunday  afternoon..   So I guess thats about it for today.  Be blessed and happy .  Jodie   .

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Hello Hope Y'all are Well and Safe!!!

   Here in the United States, we are having a bad time with (Mother Nature) she seems to have decided to hand us a variety of bad weather.  From the snowy north to the tornadoes in the middle and the south. The north west is getting cold and snow, as is the north east.  I guess the only place that March came in like a lamb was way down in the deep southern tip of Alabama, we had decent weather until last night, and even that wasn't too bad . We were under Tornado watches until 3am,in Baldwin county where we live. We picked up a little thunder and a couple of quick downpours of rain. We were very lucky,Thank God.  A huge amount of people all over the middle and south have lost their homes and i believe there were some fatalities
   My son and his wife and Ty are all moved in(the property behind ours) and Ty is having a ball.  He is exploring his new home. Picking on the dogs.(2 pit bulls)  He is going to be 15 months old on the 12th.   he is curious about everything, .It doesn't matter if it is a piece of lint that fell on the floor, he has to see what it is and what it tastes like(thank goodness the dogs do there business outside).  We are after him all the time,he finds things we never see.But he sees them and the smaller the better. Gotta love babies. They keep us young.  I know that I have much more interest in being as active as possible. My Grandson has restored my zest. I actually walked across both of our back yards , this is a feat for me,concidering I have COPD and just got over pneumonia a couple of weeks ago.  The distance from our back door to their back door is about 1000 feet . This is simple for most people but a big accomplishment for me.  Simply put, Tiberius Allen Brown, has given me a new lease on life. 

  For all you people who read our bloggs, we wish you the best , be happy and blessed. Jo