Monday, February 25, 2013


      This is a question I have been  asking myself for many years,in fact since my early teens. It started when I was a toddler.  I would know what was going to happen before it happened. One example  that comes to mind was when I was around 3 years of age. I remember sitting at the table  eating breakfast. I looked at my mom and I told her that a boy was going to get hit by a car on the corner infront of our house. She told me to stop telling terrible stories Three days later a boy was hit by a car and I watched it happen from my bedroom window.  My mother  told my dad only that I saw it happen , nothing else . So dad took us to the ice cream shop for cones to get my mind off of what I saw.  I told mom whenever I saw things  she was not happy  about this, Finally when I was an adult she would discuss it with me.  She sat down with me one afternoon and asked me about it, she wanted to know how I saw the visions and everything about it.  We discussed it at length. When we were all finished with it, she told me that she has the same ability. She also had more but she never told me the rest. I am pretty sure I know what it was.
    My problem is that I am not sure if it is a gift or a curse. My other half is physic also and he says I should learn to control it. I have warned a few people of things and they laughed , but came back when it came to pass , saying I will never doubt you again.A few years ago I warned about a car driving threw a stop light and having a collision.Ralph was quick enough to recognize the  intersection and the car I described , He stayed stopped  when the light turned green and the woman flew through the light ,had he gone as soon as the light turned green they would have collided. He came home with our son and they both were all excited .I was just relieved that it was avoided. Ralphed passed away in 2004.But durring our marriage there was a lot of things that happened , such as I saw the house we were to buy ,and drew a picture of it . Sure enough when we decided to move that was the house we bought.I had never been in that town before ever.  My sons had things happen that I had warned them about. The one that sticks with me is  when my youngest son and several of his friends decided to go out.I told them that I saw the car off the road with them behind it pushing. Jen called me to tell me I was right that they had been broke down. They were lucky  someone helped .  After that before they made plans Jen would always ask if I saw anything.
  The visions   happen when I am asleep.It is a picture. I get a picture of whatever it is , not a dream it is just a picture. It can be anything, I had one which was numbers and a  couple of letters. Turned out it was  the tine and date  and initials of a friends aunt who passed that night. it came to ne several hours before she passed,I was talking to my friend the next day and and she told me about her aunt and it all fell in place.  Howard keeps telling me to not be afraid , to develope  this ability. He says it is a gift. I have tried to push it back. He says let it out. Hmmmmmmm! what to do?????


Saturday, February 16, 2013

FEBRUARY 14,2013

Well I am writing this blog, because unlike my other half, I don't like to hear about the horrible  state of our world. People killing each other and destroying everything that is beautiful, I would much rather write about the lighter side, and put a smile on someones face. My son  bought my grandson a 4 wheeler to ride around the property. Tiberius is only 2 yrs and 2 months old. He looks and acts like he is 3 going on 4. He did very well and both Daddy and Grampa were chasing him all over the acre . He had a ball and picked up on turning did very well, except he has to learn to watch where he is going. :) But for a child his age he did very well.  I am very surprised at the things he has learned in this past 2 yrs. He figures things out before we realize it.  So I really do believe that they should get a lock for the driveway gate if not, he will try to
  drive on the road. He has named his machine Blue. He says daddy go ride Blue?  
  The weather is trying to war up. I really can't complain, we get no snow , it only dropped below freezing  one night and then it was back up in the 50's that next day.  I just like swimming and am anxious for hot  temperatures.   a few more weeks and it should start getting nice and warm.  Some of the flowering bushes are blooming, spring is on its way. Oh yes and the robins are landing in our yard on their way back north, Well here's hoping  where ever you maybe it is quiet and peaceful be blessed and happy.  Jodie