Saturday, October 6, 2012

October 6th 2012 already!

Time certainly is flying by. Seems like it was just yesterday that it was beginning summer.  My  grandson will be 2 yrs old in 2 months.  He looks and acts like he is a 3 year old . He is a very special child.  I know all grandparents say that. I waited 40 years for a grand child. My oldest 2 sons haven't " gone forth and multiplied,"  My youngest, Chris , did it. I am so glad he did. As i was saying Ty is like a 3 yr old. Chris bought him a ride on "Thomas the train"He only had the engine.
He went and found 2 boxes from his pull-up diapers and put them behind his engine.  
He thought of this himself, he surprised himself and everyone else. Howard got him some crayons and a Thomas the train coloring book. he was all excited, wasn't sure about the crayons,His mom showed him how to color and he did some but found it more exciting to try to color his legs and arms with the green crayon. Thank God it was crayons ,they do not work on the body, had it been markers we would be looking at some serious Pesciso  body art. (smile).
    My little American Eskimo (Spitz), had us  really scared. We went shopping one afternoon, leaving Justice and Sparky home alone as we do, Something happened when we got home Justice was acting strange. He  cried out when he got up he seemed to be standing with his head hanging  so I thought he might have a sore throat or tonsillitis. Yes dogs do get that, I had a German shepherd catch it from me years ago. Well the next day he seemed  a little better so we gave him the antibiotics and pain killers. The next day I took one look and I thought he was dieing, we rushed him to the vets and she checked everything and he has a badly sprained neck. Her idea was that the 2 dogs were playing on the furniture and they got a little to rough,Justice either fell or jumped and hurt himself.  He is almost like new he is taking prednisone and Tramadol.Thanks to our Vet.Amy Paszkowski., Justice will be around a while longer. That's it for now" Live long and prosper" (Mr. Spock")
   Be blessed and Happy Jodie  from Alabama.