Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hello again!

I see my other half has been entertaining all of you on the other blog, and yes he is telling you his story which is true. So for any of you who haven't seen it , check it out. We have 2 blogs going here and another one, but we do not use that one too often. But soon we will be useing that one as much as this. Howards life is much more worldly than mine.Most of my stuff is adventures I had as a child and while growing up, then as a mother of 3 sons. It all started out on April 23rd 1950, this little infant decided to be 2 months early. Thats me, never on time I have always been either early or late. Needless to say I spent a month in an incubator so I could finish growing the parts that I had to have in the big outside world. Well even though I was small I was ready for anything. From what my parents told me I was out of my crib at 6 months, I pulled myself up and toppled out onto the floor. From then on Mom had a hard time puting me to bed. I was walking by 7months old and then came the climbing nothing was safe from me. My Mother told of my climbing onto a kitchen chair that was sitting next to our refrigerator and then onto the counter and sitting there and eatting a ponmd of butter.And yes this was at 7 months. I asked if I got sick and she answered no i was fine..and that was just some of the stuff I did durring my first year. Oh yes there was the litle thing about finding one of Moms hair pins and sticking it in the electrical outlet. She said I sailed half way across the livingroom. Plus all ash trays had to be emptied before I could get to them because I had a thing about the sulfer on the burned matches , drove Mom crazy, as soon as I found a used match it was in my mouth. Oh yes she had her hands full with me. So I have started this and it will be continued from day to day...Be blessed and Happy.

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