As the days go bye a lot of people are getting nervous, worrying about Dec.21,2012.Myself,in my own little world and just 1 opinion, am not worried.I am curious as to whether any thing catastrophic will happen.But not worried. We have had a few of these world ending threats .In fact, I remember one, when I was in Grade school. I was afraid so I faked being ill so I could stay home .Low-and-behold! the whole day came and went with out so much as a crack of thunder,or even a cloud . It was a beautiful day.The next one was when I was an adult . It also was a wonderful day. So I really am just going to do what I always do, and not worry about it. As my other half always tells me;"Don't worry in advance, wait until you have a reason to worry!" He is a very smart man, and has been right repeatedly. Am I going to be careful and alert? Absolutely! I really would like to go see the Mayans ruins in Cancun and Yucatan Mexico.That would be very interesting. If we had a motor home we could drive from Alabama! So much for this.If you want serious read Howard's corner. I like to mainly stay on the light side.
Showing off for the camera |
Chris ,Tina,and Tiberius was here for a little while today. It was a quick high how ya doing, and we gotta go. Tiberius, as I have mentioned will be 2 Dec 10. He loves his Grand-parents. When Tina said come on Ty were going BYE_BYE he turned away :)so then she said "do you was to go? He looked in her face and shouted No! He is such a cutie. So I hope everyone of my readers have a wonderful day--- so long for today. Jodie
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