Sunday, September 30, 2012


      WOW!  Unbelievable!  My other half is doing a blog also, he is all about current events, politics,wars, everything all around the world.  He has readers from  everywhere all over the world.  He is surprised at how many people are interested in what he has to say.  I on the other hand,am not really surprised. He is very intelligent, he is well schooled ,was in the service, and a college graduate.  He watches and reads,researches everything he writes about.Yes, I have a smart man and he can cook too! Seriously ! He  really can,and healthy tasty food. Yes he is a keeper!!! O yes and he does clean-up nicely also.
      Well yesterday it was 90 degrees and sunny.Went swimming, shopping, was a nice day. Today, it is 71 degrees and raining.  So it is a slow dreary day. My little dog isn't feeling well , he is 7 yrs old so it could be arthritis. He acts like it hurts to move. He has no fever no runny nose or vomiting or diarhrea  So its not a disease.
       Oh yes I meant to tell everyone who reads either  Howard's or my blogs, We would love to get some feed back from our readers. We like to hear what you think, good or bad. At the bottom of the blog you will see it says no comment then shows the picture of a pencil. Click on the pencil and it will show you where to write your comment. We really want to hear what you think.  Well thats about it for this rainy day in Alabama, be blessed and happy Jodie

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