Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Blessing in Desguise!

  Well I was supposed to get the lapband operation tomorrow morning ,went through everything to meet the qualifications, and did meet them, well all except one.   When I came home from pre-op this morning, we received a phone call from the Infirmary.  They were telling me to be sure to remember this and that but mostly to remember to bring a $1200 check.  I thought that it was the same as with the doctors, they bill me after  Medicare pays them their 80 %.  I am disabled and do not have that much to put out at one time,I make payents to the Physicians and they are ok with it. I mean they get 80% right away, so it works.  Ah! but here is the blessing part, for the past week, I have felt this awfull sense of mobidity, if that is even a word?  I have had babies, with c-sections with one cardiac arrest,hysterectomy,gallbladder surgery,and pneuonia about 6 times, Never did I feel this sense of dread ,and feeling like I was going to die, until now. Even our dogs were acting strange, they were stuck to me like glue, it was as though they were trying to keep me safe, everywhere I sat or went they were right there.  They are loving dogs very affectionate but they don't do this unless something is wrong.  It is said that everything happens for a reason, and I  believe it now,  So now Howard and I have come to the realization, that we can do what the Lapband was going to do but without the banding of my stomach, I have the info about the diet so we are going to do it our way, and since there will be no healing to wait for  and I have already started the diet process it will be alright.  And I am alive and will be very well in the long run.   Be happy and blessed :-)

be blessed and happy

soooo, since this blog is owened by me i have decided to have another sponser pick me up. in the mean time all 452 of you folks are invited to view my other blog site. will see my grandson who is going to be 1 year old dec,12th he is walking and says a few words. i think he can be a baby model. you can keep checking back here to see if i am on here or not. thanks,merry christmas. and to other religion's happy holiday's

Friday, November 25, 2011

thank you for reading our blog(all425 of you around the world

    SO FOLKS,HERE IT IS FRIDAY AND WE HAVE OPENED A NEW BLOG. YOU CAN READ THIS ONE AND THEN TRY OUT OUR OTHER ONE AT      as you did with this blog, Be sure that when you go to the new blog site , you bookmark or put it on your favorites, so you do not have to type in the long address every time (smile).  We are also thinking about getting our own domain , which will be much more  convenient, for you and us. We will let everyone know when or if we are going to do this.
    This was Black Friday!  Did you all get some good deals? I heard that there was some good sales at the stores and that some of the stores were not as busy as they expected, In fact my daughter in law  was sent home early from the store she works at because it wasn't busy.  That was good though because she worked 10 hours at the other store, she works 2 jobs and was going to be putting in a 20s straight between the 2 of them. So I am glad she was sent home, 20 hours , that's way to long. Anyhow I hope you all had a great day,got some of your Christmas shopping  started.  Howard got a really nice Mustang remote control car for our Grandson  He is only going to be 1yr old on Dec 12th, it is not with a controller, it is one that has the control buttons on the top of the roof,so someone must start it and it will go around or straight by it's  self, I;m not sure if it reacts and turns around when it bumps into something. I hope it does.  Tiberius is going to have a ball, He acts like a 2 year old now. He is  the apple of both my and his grandpa eyes. First Grand child. In fact he is the first in both the Maternal, and Paternal Grandparents,so he is getting a little spoiled, but not in a bad way. But he knows that this Grandma means no when she says it. (smile) If he wants to cry , go ahead, as long as he is not hurt, he can cry.  But he has a huge smile on his face every time he comes in the door, so I must be doing something right.  Well I am going to close this and will hope you will read both blogs because they will not be a repeat. So be happy and be blessed.