Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Blessing in Desguise!

  Well I was supposed to get the lapband operation tomorrow morning ,went through everything to meet the qualifications, and did meet them, well all except one.   When I came home from pre-op this morning, we received a phone call from the Infirmary.  They were telling me to be sure to remember this and that but mostly to remember to bring a $1200 check.  I thought that it was the same as with the doctors, they bill me after  Medicare pays them their 80 %.  I am disabled and do not have that much to put out at one time,I make payents to the Physicians and they are ok with it. I mean they get 80% right away, so it works.  Ah! but here is the blessing part, for the past week, I have felt this awfull sense of mobidity, if that is even a word?  I have had babies, with c-sections with one cardiac arrest,hysterectomy,gallbladder surgery,and pneuonia about 6 times, Never did I feel this sense of dread ,and feeling like I was going to die, until now. Even our dogs were acting strange, they were stuck to me like glue, it was as though they were trying to keep me safe, everywhere I sat or went they were right there.  They are loving dogs very affectionate but they don't do this unless something is wrong.  It is said that everything happens for a reason, and I  believe it now,  So now Howard and I have come to the realization, that we can do what the Lapband was going to do but without the banding of my stomach, I have the info about the diet so we are going to do it our way, and since there will be no healing to wait for  and I have already started the diet process it will be alright.  And I am alive and will be very well in the long run.   Be happy and blessed :-)

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