Thursday, August 30, 2012

What a few days!

   It is August 30th,2012. We, along the Gulf of Mexico have been sitting on pins and needles for the past 5 days.  Hurricane Isaac has kept us guessing.  It finally made landfall in Louisiana Wednesday evening at approximately 8 P:M. In fact it is the anniversary of Katrina, The hurricane that totally devastated LLouisiana a few years ago.  I was not living here in the south at that time, so I did not witness  the horrific travesty of that Hurricane. Though when I moved down here my  other half took me down to the Orange beach area and showed me some of the damage that still was not cleaned up and rebuilt. The white sand was picked up by the hurricane and moved up on shore and covered buildings across the highway and over a hundred feet from it. Buildings were still collapsed. Just seeing that little bit, I can't imagine the damage in New Orleans. Isaac has been  a slow moving storm, so it has lingered in places. Now it is easing up somewhat but is still very dangerous. At this stage, we here in Robertsdale Alabama are getting the outer bands from the storm, so a lot of rain at times and wind.We are watching for flooding and possible tornadoes. We are not out of harms way as of yet. It should be pretty good by Saturday.   So Howard , our dogs and I are fine here waiting for the storm to end.
   Having the computer is  great when we have bad weather, its good to be able to  talk with friends both far and near,  Tiberius, our grandson is now 20 months old, 4 more months and he will be 2 yrs old. He looks like he should be 3yrs instead.  He is the apple of y eye. We have a lot of fun together, he seems to think I am another child since I am only 4" 10"s tall and he is over 36 "s tall (smile)
      I guess that's about it for today , I hope all of you near and far all over the world are safe and well. be happy and blessed .Jodie from Alabama

Friday, August 10, 2012

Haven't had much to say!

  Well, I have not been doing my blog  for a while, things have been kind of slow. So Howard says  just write about what you have been doing, etc; So here goes:First things are pretty soggy, everyday it rains. Usually from 1 - 4 or 5 in the afternoon.  The other day it was really neat, we were in the pool, it began to cloud up with those thunder clouds. Howard got out, but I stayed in.It began raining, not hard just lightly and I found myself in the middle of rain drops . It was really awesome to me, watching the drops land in the water it was almost hypnotic to me at least until the big clap of Thunder.  Then I got out of my rainy wonderland. Oh here we go again it is raining as I am writing this. we do not need it. The people in the middle, and southwestern part of the USA need it, they are in a bad drought. 
   My Grandson Tiberius is 20 months old now. He is  the light of my life.  He feeds himself, but when he is finished he now puts his dishes in the sink, not like before, he would just throw them in the floor.  Ah but, he learned to put them in the sink so well, that if you do not put yours in the sink he will badger you until you do it or if he gets frustrated he will pick a dish up and throw it then yell at you. Also he likes tings to be put in order I believe he might be OCD when he gets older, If things get moved he hurries over to fix them.He could very easily become a neat freak, which can be good and bad. We will wait and see.
   My other half, Howaard has been doing his blogg, He has over 1400 readers, congrats Howard, love you bunches.  He does his on currant events and has readers from all over the world, He is just that good!:)  I do not write about that stuff because I find it depressing. I would rather  keep it light.
    So my friends, heres hopeing you all no matter who you are or where you are have a wonderful day.From Jodie in Alabama