Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Talk about lucky!

We were alerted that we were going to get a tropical storm.Everyone was ready to get on the escape road and go. Friends and family called to see that we were going to get out of harms way.  We were watching the storm watches on the television and The computer.  When we saw that it was turning east instead of north west we  were very happy.. they names this storm Debbie.  and she settled for Florida , but it is rain and wind,a tropical storm , ythat was bad enough but when wefirst were warned  we were told it was going to be a hurricane.Thank the good Lord .But see we live in a mobile  home so even though it is double tied down , it could be  destroyed in the event of a full Hurricane.  We want to put a modular house on this property in a couple of years. Once this is all paid for we will be able to do it.  Well, my middle son celebrated his birthday today. 37 yrs ago I gave birth to him. Hope he enjoyed his day.  
    I babysat my grandson yesterday for a while, he keeps me busey. I was in the spare bedroom where Tina keeps the diapers.While I was getting them he got up on the couch and pulled the window blind down on top of him. I heard it and he was makeing his little I didn;t do it on purpose wimpers. I walked in and looked at him and didn't say a word,this was new to him .  He got a little nervous so he got up on the couch where I was puttin it in its bracket. He kept staring at me, when I looked down at him he puckered up and started crying. I still didn't say anything. I sat down and he climbed up on my lap and laid his head against me . Then I said you were bad. He looked down and then I told him not to do it again. And he didn't touch it again. It worked better than scolding or even doing a time out.Ty is a very bright child he learned how to make the computer scroll down or up on a page'  The newest thing as of the last 2 times I babysat , he cries and carries on when I am getting ready to leave. He wants me to stay. I think he must like his grandma lol.
    Well my son is trying to get a job. He went to prison for 10 months and everytime they read it  they say no we just hired someone. Everyone says go get a job,  but no one wants to hire an excon.  He has totally changed plus he loves his little son , Tiberius has brought something out of Chris that I had never seen.  So he is going to go for an interview tomorrow  We have helped them so much that we have nothing left. Her parents have helped also , But they still need to get the 420dollars for their rent, I only pray that the interview goes well tomorrow. The darn diapers are so expensive its crazy.Tina has a job with TJMAX and she brings home about 160 dollars a week but between gas and diapers and trying to pay bills they are drowning.  Chris broke down into tears for a couple of seconds then managed to choke them back, when he found out that his step dad , Howard took the heavy metal frame  of f the bed and I took the wrap arounds off so we could put them with the metal that they are taking to the scrap yard.he was so upset and he told his wife that if his step dad would do this for him and he isn't even related to him, she needs to ask her relatives for help too .  so u see its hard everywhere.  Thats about it for now from Jodie in Bama

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Goodmorning World!

.  It is going to be another hot day today. They are calling for temps in the 90's  think I will be in the pool.Then later Howard and I will go to Walmart to get my prescription for my meds. But I think we will wait until evening when it cools down a little.
   My son planted my cactus  outside the other day, actually it is 3 that were in the pot together. 2 of them were5 foot tall and the other one was a broken piece of the large one , I let the end dry and get some what hard and then I stuck it into the pot beside the other part of it. It grew and so there are 3, They look really good.  I want to get a Palm tree and set it about 8 feet away from the cactus.  I want to get the Palm tree that bares coconuts.  I think Howard and I plan to put fruit trees and berry bushes out also.  I am thinking maybe a small vegetable garden next year.
Little angel 

    I baby sat my Grandson yesterday,he is a year and a half old he looks and acts like a child going on 3 .  He is a big boy and very confident in everything he does .He seems to have a thing for wheels. He loves them everything he has that has wheels , he turns upside down so he can play with the wheels. I love him so much.
As you can see in these pictures he is an angel his horns are there to hold his halo up ,(smile)
                                                      I am looking forward to when I do have a garden ,he can help me plant and learn about gardening.Im sure he will loveharvesting the vegetables .  My son went and got Ty a swing set play center it is all wood except for the slide which is either plastic or fiberglass. It has the tree house  swings and slide. It is big enough for me to get in it , thats how huge it is.
   I guess thats about it for today, be happy and blessed  Jodie
Ty loves the water
Was  trying to tell Gramma something

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

June 19th 2012

Hello again, it is a hot Tuesday the last time I looked it was 90 degrees out and the heat index was 101. This is strange because friends and family in Northern New York state are having tenoeratures in the 90's. Usually it is are around 80  this time of the year, and we are in the high 80's and 90's down here in Alabama. 
  Well I spent the biggest part of the afternoon babysitting my grand son ,while his parnts went and got a swingset with the tree house attached. It is awesome.  He will have a lot of fun with that. then when they cane to get him I jumped in the pool with Howard. So it was a busey day. After the swim Howard made dinner, he and Chris made dinner.  Christopher is doing very well, since he became a father and a husband , he has grown up . I am very proud of the man he has become .
   Howard surprised me with a necklace and earing set they are silver with black onyx stones. So pretty!  He really is so good to me, as I said before he treats me like a queen. I have never had anyone be this good to me. He is  what I always hoped for in a man. Didn't really think I would ever find him. Aren't I lucky?  I am a very happy woman. Thank you Howard.
   Tomorrow is supposed to be very hot, I believe we will all hang around the pool and maybe grill some burgers for lunch,  so for now I will say good night , be happy and blessed , Jodie