Thursday, June 21, 2012

Goodmorning World!

.  It is going to be another hot day today. They are calling for temps in the 90's  think I will be in the pool.Then later Howard and I will go to Walmart to get my prescription for my meds. But I think we will wait until evening when it cools down a little.
   My son planted my cactus  outside the other day, actually it is 3 that were in the pot together. 2 of them were5 foot tall and the other one was a broken piece of the large one , I let the end dry and get some what hard and then I stuck it into the pot beside the other part of it. It grew and so there are 3, They look really good.  I want to get a Palm tree and set it about 8 feet away from the cactus.  I want to get the Palm tree that bares coconuts.  I think Howard and I plan to put fruit trees and berry bushes out also.  I am thinking maybe a small vegetable garden next year.
Little angel 

    I baby sat my Grandson yesterday,he is a year and a half old he looks and acts like a child going on 3 .  He is a big boy and very confident in everything he does .He seems to have a thing for wheels. He loves them everything he has that has wheels , he turns upside down so he can play with the wheels. I love him so much.
As you can see in these pictures he is an angel his horns are there to hold his halo up ,(smile)
                                                      I am looking forward to when I do have a garden ,he can help me plant and learn about gardening.Im sure he will loveharvesting the vegetables .  My son went and got Ty a swing set play center it is all wood except for the slide which is either plastic or fiberglass. It has the tree house  swings and slide. It is big enough for me to get in it , thats how huge it is.
   I guess thats about it for today, be happy and blessed  Jodie
Ty loves the water
Was  trying to tell Gramma something

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