Tuesday, June 19, 2012

June 19th 2012

Hello again, it is a hot Tuesday the last time I looked it was 90 degrees out and the heat index was 101. This is strange because friends and family in Northern New York state are having tenoeratures in the 90's. Usually it is are around 80  this time of the year, and we are in the high 80's and 90's down here in Alabama. 
  Well I spent the biggest part of the afternoon babysitting my grand son ,while his parnts went and got a swingset with the tree house attached. It is awesome.  He will have a lot of fun with that. then when they cane to get him I jumped in the pool with Howard. So it was a busey day. After the swim Howard made dinner, he and Chris made dinner.  Christopher is doing very well, since he became a father and a husband , he has grown up . I am very proud of the man he has become .
   Howard surprised me with a necklace and earing set they are silver with black onyx stones. So pretty!  He really is so good to me, as I said before he treats me like a queen. I have never had anyone be this good to me. He is  what I always hoped for in a man. Didn't really think I would ever find him. Aren't I lucky?  I am a very happy woman. Thank you Howard.
   Tomorrow is supposed to be very hot, I believe we will all hang around the pool and maybe grill some burgers for lunch,  so for now I will say good night , be happy and blessed , Jodie

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