Sunday, September 30, 2012

jodie-fyi: WOW!

jodie-fyi: WOW!:       WOW!  Unbelievable!  My other half is doing a blog also, he is all about current events, politics,wars, everything all around the worl...


      WOW!  Unbelievable!  My other half is doing a blog also, he is all about current events, politics,wars, everything all around the world.  He has readers from  everywhere all over the world.  He is surprised at how many people are interested in what he has to say.  I on the other hand,am not really surprised. He is very intelligent, he is well schooled ,was in the service, and a college graduate.  He watches and reads,researches everything he writes about.Yes, I have a smart man and he can cook too! Seriously ! He  really can,and healthy tasty food. Yes he is a keeper!!! O yes and he does clean-up nicely also.
      Well yesterday it was 90 degrees and sunny.Went swimming, shopping, was a nice day. Today, it is 71 degrees and raining.  So it is a slow dreary day. My little dog isn't feeling well , he is 7 yrs old so it could be arthritis. He acts like it hurts to move. He has no fever no runny nose or vomiting or diarhrea  So its not a disease.
       Oh yes I meant to tell everyone who reads either  Howard's or my blogs, We would love to get some feed back from our readers. We like to hear what you think, good or bad. At the bottom of the blog you will see it says no comment then shows the picture of a pencil. Click on the pencil and it will show you where to write your comment. We really want to hear what you think.  Well thats about it for this rainy day in Alabama, be blessed and happy Jodie

Monday, September 24, 2012

Sept 24,2012

  As the days go bye a lot of people are getting nervous, worrying about Dec.21,2012.Myself,in my own little world and just 1 opinion, am not worried.I am curious as to whether any thing catastrophic will happen.But not worried.  We have had a few of these world ending threats .In fact, I remember one, when I was in Grade school. I was afraid so I faked  being ill so I could stay home .Low-and-behold! the whole day came and went with out so much as a crack of thunder,or even a cloud . It was a beautiful day.The next one was when I was an adult .  It also was a wonderful day. So I really am just going to do what I always do, and not worry about it. As my other half always tells me;"Don't worry in advance,  wait until you have a reason to worry!" He is a very smart man, and  has been right repeatedly. Am I going to be careful  and alert? Absolutely!  I really would like to go see the Mayans ruins in  Cancun and Yucatan Mexico.That would be very interesting. If we had a motor home we could drive from Alabama! So much for this.If you want serious  read Howard's corner. I like to mainly stay on the light side.

Showing off for the camera 
   Chris ,Tina,and Tiberius was here for a little while today. It was a quick high how ya doing, and we gotta go.  Tiberius, as I have mentioned will be 2 Dec 10. He loves his Grand-parents. When Tina said come on Ty were going BYE_BYE he turned away :)so then she said "do you was to go? He looked in her face and shouted No! He is such a cutie.  So I hope everyone of my readers have a wonderful day--- so long for today.  Jodie

Saturday, September 22, 2012


  Have any of you  seen this Shortening Tin. It is a collectible and I saw where a Mrs Tucker shortening can was sold for $230.00-some $1450 and it was not a Commemorative one so, I"m sure this is worth that or more?. here is a picture of it and its lid: I have been trying to find out  what it is worth , who to ask about it, when it hit me, Ask my readers. There are a lot of people who read our blogs. I am interested in selling it ,so if you can you can tell me anything about it,or want to buy it, you can leave a comment at the bottom under this blog. it says comment , then it shows a pencil. click on the pencil and you will be able to make your comment. Thank you.
Helping clean the car 
Riding that orange horse 
  Well, My grandson Tiberius, is 21 months old, he is learning things so quickly it is amazing. He is picking up on things I say, I did not realize just how much until my son , his daddy, told me that he says "oh no!"When he drops something or bumps into something. Yesterday I dropped something and I said that. Howard  said OK Ty:) . He said I sounded like Ty. Guess who he is copying his grandma.?  So I better be careful what I say. He will be 2 yrs old December 10th. He is much more like a 3 yr old.  I am enjoying being a grandma. I wish I wasn't disabled so I could get out there and run with him,but I am glad that I have the time with him that I do have. Howard  is the 1 who will teach him the knowledgeable things he is very intelligent and good with children . When we go shopping  all the small children  light up when they see him. He talks quietly to them and they smile and try to talk back to him. I'm pretty sure that he will be the one helping him with his school work. His other grandpa and his daddy will show him all the athletic stuff.  and hunting and fishing.Howard is disabled , or he would be active with him . I think that leaves the rest to  the grandmas and mom. Etiquette is not hard to teach , I think the hardest part is getting them to use it. I think the hardest part  will be bringing the north and south together, I was brought up in the northern part of our country and his other grandparents were down here way south. Things that are alright here, are not acceptable up there visa versa. We will blend it all together and Tiberius will be the best of both worlds. The most important thing is that he grows to be a good honest man.  Be blessed and Happy  Jodie .