Wednesday, November 7, 2012


     Our President was re- elected last night. So congratulations are in order. I have spent some time reading the text messages etc. Friends, relatives, an acquaintances, A lot of disappointed people about Obama's win and some very happy ones like my hubby. At one point I almost laughed, but I held  back. Someone said we are all going to die.(eventually we all do)  I thought that was a little far fetched,so I just  said, oh  Dec 21,2012 is next month. But I am sorry I am an optimistic person. I do not think the world will end next month. I think it could be another change  that will make things different. Could happen Like Sandy changed New York city.  I heard that they were going to get hit by a nor'easter snow storm.I think it was supposed to be today.To be honest I didn't check the weather as of yet.It is chilly here today(62 degrees) so I am not moving around alot .My other half and I both have diabetes and copd combined  with arthritis and cold weather is not a good thing.  We live on the southern tip of Alabama so it gets down to the 40's or 50's with a possibility of the teens in Jan but not usually. When I lived in Northern New York state,It was on the St. Lawrence river so It was cold and frigid and short summers and at that they were not hot .You had winter, and fall  for the most part.So,now I am in mostly warm weather. I have been trying to get my son Robert to move down here, but no luck yet.Howard is working in the kitchen  God this man can cook! He made a special dinner for me last night:)  steak filled with crab cheese  and potatoes and onions cooked together. I was so full! I am keeping him. :)  that's all for today Be blessed, happy,and safe  Jodie

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