Monday, December 10, 2012

Well, Hello Again! It's been a while!

    I have been busy so. Howard  has been blogging.So I am going to  put my 2 cents in, and do a blog.  It  is the  season  where families come together and celebrate.  It is supposed to be a religious holiday, but somewhere along the way it became all about spending money. Now it is basically a time to have fun ,I am not really complaining ,  it does help to bring families together.   But, I believe that if you have so much money to spend on expensive presents, you can afford to go to the food pantries or the Salvation army kitchens, where they are making Christmas dinners for the poor and homeless. I believe that if you are fortunate and not just financially, also health wise, you should give back and help those who are less fortunate.
    As you probably know, if you have been following our blogs. We are blessed with a grandson "Tiberius" Ty  for short. He will be 2 yrs old tomorrow. This is the first Christmas that he has actually noticed everything about  the holidays. He has grouped all the parts of the season into 2 words Ho Ho.He sees  trees trimmed and they are Ho Ho trees. Santa is Ho Ho man., Decorated  houses or the street decorations are Ho Ho trees. The  way he see's it if it is lit up it is a Ho Ho ,(Christmas) tree , house, candy cane etc. He is so full of excitement and the wonderment of  Christmas it is  The most fun I have had for a long time. Just looking at his eyes as he is watching the twinkling colorful lights is so fulfilling and exciting. His other Grandma Laura and I both agree that Tiberius is our only grand  child right now,,yes we both are spoiling him  but not in a bad way. We are just giving him an abundance of love. As for the Grandpas, Howard is the brains and Allen is the brawn.Howard is the computer, books , pencil pusher type though he is no weakling by any means.Allen, the other Grandpa is the Sports minded, hunter fisherman type. So between both  Ty will learn about  everything. But he will learn a lot more from his parents. It is going to be a long wonderful time growing up our Grandson. I hope all you grandparents and parents will  look at your children and think about what I have said and enjoy your years with  them.  be blessed and happy  Jodie From Alabama.

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