Wednesday, February 8, 2012

We went shopping!

Was a great day, we went shopping,Tina,Tiberius, Howard and I.It was a beautiful day, not hot-not cold, one of those days when you have no complaint about the weather. So we went over to Florida because there is no sales tax on groceries,they charge 9% tax over here in Alabama.Plus, we wanted to buy a couple of lottery tickets wishing to win the 200 million dollars in the power ball drawing tonight.Alabama doesn't believe in the lottery, they are against any type of gambling. Most of the states are using the money thet get from the gambling taxes to help their states with the schools and other inportant things. Alabama is very foolish, they would be a whole lot better off financially if they would let the people gamble right in their own state. Why should the other states reap the harvest from Our citizens going outside of our state to gamble and buy lottery tickets? Sometimes the old fashioned ways are not the best ways. Anyhow, if Howard and I hit a big amount of money we plan to take care of some charities . We have some that are dear to our hearts. We feel that if we are blessed with a big windfdall, it is only right that we help those less fortunate than us. I personally have 3 passions, they are the children, animals and homeless people. Howard has a couple of others but I know these are his also. So wish us luck!!! Shopping was fun, I had Tiberius in the shopping cart with me and Tina, Howard was gathering the things we needed for our house and Tina and I were getting the foods that Tiberius liked. He is such a wonderful baby 14 months old(looks 2 1/2)he is very good when we take him in public. He jibber jabbers about everything and giggles. It is a lot of fun to shop with him,We stopped to get burgers and fries at Wendys he ate almost all of his fries and half of his burger! He has a great big appetite.I think he weighs about 28 pounds right now and he is 29 inches tall. I would say good size for 14 months, wouldn't you
say so?Bye for today. everyone be blessed.Jodie

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