Saturday, February 25, 2012


 I was bragging about it getting warm , then it suddenly became rather chilly out. I know to all my family and friends up there on the Saint Lawrence River, this sounds like a joke , but it is only 58 degrees out and going to drop to 48 tonight. I know, your thinking, Is she kidding?  See I lived within  6 miles of the Canadian border in the Alexandria Bay Area.  So I know what you have for winters up there. Ah, but you see I have been down here on the Gulf coast are for 6 years. My body has been acclimatized. I'm use to the warm weather, an I like it that way.  I try to travel up to visit my family and friends once a year or every other year.     I use to love seeing the trees change color in the fall, and the first snowfall.  But I always wanted the warm weather to come right back.  Now, you couldn't pay me to live up there in the winter.I lived in Indianapolis, Indiana during the big Blizzard of 1978, while you all got 30 feet tall snow drifts , I was laughing because the city of Indy was totally at a stand still with only a couple of snow plows and they only had 2 feet of snow. I grew up with snow so I was driving all over the place. I was having a ball. But I hear that  Indiana has since got themselves fully equipped for snow removal. They get a lot of the cold weather and snow these days since global warming has progressed.
       My son and his family have been moving in next door. I was over there the other night , while Tina and Ty was there , I was helping with Ty, keeping him out of mischief. He was busy with the broom pretending to sweep.  As you can see , he was very busy.  He is only 14 months old. He loves to help, He really likes to stack cans . If you want to keep him busy take a bunch of cans ,put them on the floor and let him see you putting them in the cabinet.He will start doing it and be happy, in fact when he gets them all in , he will take them back out and start all over again.  I love being a grandma. (smile)  That's about it for today, be blessed and Happy.Tell someone you love them,because tomorrow maybe to late.  Jodie

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