Thursday, March 29, 2012

So it is almost done!

  The deck is almost completed. Chris has been working on it and he is doing a great job.  They ,Howard and Chris, have made a few changes in how it was originally supposed to be ,but they are good changes. It is almost finished. When it is, I will be putting up pictures.  They decided to make the far end into a grilling area, Complete with the corner walled in and shelves.
Howard and Chris
   I got in the pool yesterday and almost froze.  The guys said it was nice and they were in there . Well I have always been the girl who refused to be out done by a guy so in I went, brrrrrrr!and brrrrrr!again! I was freezing, but  I stayed in , actually it helped my shoulder, I have bursitis very badly. So I did my exercises in the cold water and to my surprise it actually helped.  My sons have all played football, infact 2 of them played semi pro. They always said ice packs and cold water helps more than heat. I am a believer!

   So here it is 3/22/2012. The temperature is 80 degrees and the sun is shining, we have a possibility of Thunder storms later. You wouldn't know it though if you could see it, it is a beautiful day. Thats what I love about Alabama, its like having summer most of the year. We only get  about the total of 1 1/2 months of cold weather, and at that usually you only require a sweater or light jacket during the day, but the furnace sometimes at night.  But other than, that it is warm, warmer and hot temperatures. I grew up in Northern New York State, where you had from June to about the first week of September of warm and warmer temperatures.  I actually liked the snow but wanted it gone after i was done playing in it. I would actually cry and tell my mom that I wanted summer all the time. She use to tell me wait until you grow up and then live in the south.. Well it was the long way around but I finally landed in Alabama a crazy man , and I couldn't be any happier.
    Well I guess that's about it for today be blessed and Happy. Jodie

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