Friday, December 2, 2011

Cold! South?

  Unbelievable!  I have been here in Alabama going on 7 yrs, and it is getting colder in the fall and winter.  We are about 20 miles from the Gulf coast, and I can't believe it is so cold.  In the 30's  at night for the past several nights, and only in the 50's during the day.   Ah! but we still have flowers blooming and palm trees,  Can't lose green everywhere. Why if we lost that I'd just have to look for a new  paradise. You can also tell it is cold out, the flies are coming in every time you open the door.   I am going to try the  plastic  baggie with the pennies and water in it. I have heard that it works, you put water and 2 pennies in a baggie, and put it just above your door ,outside your house. I understand it messes with their sight ,and they will not go near the door.  I hope it works, I will let y'all know how this works.
   Here it is Dec 2nd 2011,  my Grandson Ti  will be 1 yr old on the 12th. I can't believe it has been a year already.  I never thought I would like being a Grandma,I always said no way , thinking of it as being old . It isn't and I am enjoying it more all the time.  Tiberius is the apple of both my and Howard's eye. this kid could be a baby model. today our big son (30) came over the house and primed the bedroom in white using  be- hr paint. after it is all primed a nice blue.we have some left over Disneyana.the idea is to put 4 eight foot pine shelves up.then some of the collectables on the 10 inch deep shelves-take digital photos and Ebay here we come :)  !  we also have a load of 1986-87 baseball cards as well.since we are both disabled on social security any money would help.If you are interested in this, and want pictures and prices just ask.    Well thats it for today,be happy and blessed.    

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