Thursday, December 29, 2011

Dec 29th,2011

  Here it is the 29th,and the sun is shining. The temperature has risin to 64 degrees outside, it is only supposed to drop down to 40 tonight.  But I have been hearing the peepers ( tree frogs) at night so  hot weather is on the way.  I love to go out on the deck at night and just listen to them , its sorta neat.  I saw an armadillo in the back yard early this morning. I swear they look like a rat with armour on.  The ugliest animal I have seen yet!  A few months ago I ran over one. I tried to straddle it so maybe I wouldn't hurt it but , I guess it was taller than I thought, because I felt the thud as it bounced off the bottom of my car.  Well obviously its hard exterior protected it because it ran away. 
   I made some corn bread  to go with what ever my Honey is making for dinner tonight.  I know he really likes it.  He likes most of the same foods that I like with the exception of cottage cheese and peas, he does not like those 2 foods. Oh yes we both dislike okra.   But hey , thats not very many foods to not care for. He is such a fantastic Chef, I do the baking , and the clean-up, he makes the awesome dinners. All I can say is YUMMMM! Thats all for today. Be happy and blessed.

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