Monday, December 26, 2011

The Day After!

    Hey! It is the day after Christmas, how many of you returned things or went shopping for the next Christmas.  We are just taking the day to sit back and relax.  No mail delivery, and most places, if they aren't stores or Resturantes, are closed . It has been a little rainey here in the south, smile, no snow .I haven't checked with my friends and family way up North near the Canadian border. Yesterday, my daughter-inlaw  from Alexandria Bay , NY  told us that it was only 10 degrees farenheit  there. BRRRRRRR! It was 68 here.At that I thought it was a little chilly.  Well they like the changing seasons up there, well, we have changing seasons here too.Its called Warm(spring), Hot!(summer) Hot(fall), and Cool to Chilly(winter).  I like those seasons.
  Now the new year approaches, it is a renewal time.  A new begining,so to speak.  Everyone has their resolutions planned. I actually have already started mine so it will be to continue. So far I have lost 14 pounds by just eatting small low fat meals, and drinking lots of fluids. So I will continue with this, both myself and Howard have been smoke free, me, since March 2004, thats going to be 8 yrs, and Howard, Dec 2003 so it is 9 years.  So we have that accomplished.  I sure hope a lot or all of you who smoke  quit, He and I both have COPD and let me tell you, it is not easyto go through the breathless agony of feeling like you are suffocating, Plus it is hard to go in crowds, because you might catch pneumonia, and end up in the hospital for 15 days or worse  you may drown in your own fluids and then you are dead . So please do this for your family , but mainly do it for yourself, quit smoking. You will be glad you did.  On a happier note, I hope this blog finds each and everyone of you well and happy.  Check out our other blogs at          and

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