Wednesday, December 28, 2011

December 28,2011

 Here we are almost the end of the year.It is winter time, I was outdoors putting more chlorine tablets in the dispenser of our swimming pool.It is 68 degrees out.  My people from Northern New York, on the Canadian border say it is snowing pretty hard up there right now. Everyone was complaining that they didn't get snow for Christmas. Now they are complaining because they are getting dumped on now 3 days later.  Remember the old expression.."Be careful what you wish for you just might get it".  I think it is appropriate  right now!
  My little dog Justice got into trouble with Howard yesterday.  I had gone with my daughter-in-law runing errands so I wasn't home.  First let me tell you that this dog does not act like a "normal dog", he is strange... So while we were gone my son came back with the riding mower to fix it.It had some sort of a problem! Chris was in the yard and Howard was going to give him the hand book .  When he opened the door to step out Justice bit him on the leg, he was trying to keep him from leaving.  He does this to me all the time!He has this thing about me leaving, he grabs my pants leg or my shoe and tries to pull me back into the house. Well he didn't get just the pants,  he got Howard, but he didn't break the skin, just pinched him. Well it was on! Howard was chasing Justice and probably would have caught him, but for one thing, he has COPD like me and ran out of air.  I think it was good luck for Justice. Howard might have actually hurt him(not really) , had he caught him, He wouldn't mean to but he is a strong man and Justice is  20 pound  dog.  So I just continued the bad dog scenario. Today the dog seems to be on his best behavior. Then again he hasn't seen anyone leave the house... Well thats about it for today be happy and blessed.

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