Saturday, December 17, 2011


   I am a born and bred Northerner, but I will tell you all right here and now, I love it here in the south! As I am looking out my window,  it is sunny with green grass and the birds are cherping.  A friend up north just told me it is snowing and cold.BRRRRR!  No for this old girl, no thank you!  Neither Howard  or I  want the cold winters of the North country.  We are very happy with our Green Christmas in the south. I will go north to visit in the summer for a week or 2 but thats it. I mean , hey, I wish my friends up there lived down here but thats ok ,we have the phones and the computer to keep in touch.   Sometime this spring ,my sister Judy plans to come down to visit us, she has never been to Alabama.  I know she will have a good time. We have beautiful white sandy beaches, Palm trees, and flowering bushes and trees.  It is just as beautiful as Florida , just missing Disney world.:-)We do have Amusement parks ,   Water parks with all the water rides,The Little Zoo That Did,The Warf , which has a big concert theater plus many other  wonderful sites. As I said I really am in love with my life down here.
   My little Grandson , Ty was here a couple of hours ago. In one of my blogs I think I mentioned how he helped me stack cans of dog food on the shelf. The first thing he did today was to go start taking the cans down so he could stack them back up.  He is so cute.  Only a yr old and he wants to be Gramma's helper.  I can see right now he is going to be my little side kick whem he gets a little older. I think thats when I will make a little garden for him. We can work on weeding it and then pick the veggies together,  That will be a special time for he and I .  I really think I like being a Grandma after all.!  And I know Howard loves being a Grandfather also, he lights up the minute Ty comes in the door.:-)  Life is great, the only thing that could top it would be to win the Lottery. Thats all for today be happy and blessed.
   You can read another blog at our other site it is:

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