Monday, January 23, 2012

January 23rd,2012

This month is flying by. I am very happy it is for a few reasons, I can't wait until it is warm enough to swim, and I can't wait until all of the flowers are in bloom. I mean we have all kinds of blooming bushes and trees. Though we do have some of the trees that shed their leaves, but in a couple of months or less they start growing them right back. Mostly everything stays green,but you can tell the difference. But for me, I am a warm weather person. It is 78 here today and raining off and on. But that's still not snow! When I think about it like that, I feel ok with the rain.(smile) Well my other half seems to have a stomach bug, he is in bed trying to get over it. I pitty him on that , I hate stomach cramps,I had some the other day but they didn't last too long. But I have had a bug for a couple of weeks,Head and chest cold, been trying to get over it without going to the hospital. So far so good. Lots of vitamins, good food, mucinex chest congestion pills plus sinus meds to keep head clear. It is working but very slowley. I can recommend the mucinex dm they are fantastic. You can buy them without a prescription, and they really work. I have had pneumonia more than 9 times in my life time. So I know what I am talking about. Because I have diabeties and COPD, my immunity is compromised so if someone with a little cold so much as clears their throat I will catch whatever they have. Which is why I very careful in public, and sometimes just stay home. I hate going to the doctors office cuz I usually end up sick. So I am trying to lose a lot of weight, hoping it will help my breathing which the doctors think it will.Hopefully when I can move around better I will be able to build my immunity back up. So this is what is going on and Howard is such a wonderful help, plus he has so many patiencs with me. Couldn't do it with any other man, He is very special, like my Mom said Better keep him, cuz he is a keeper. Thank you again, you are a Keeper ... Be happy and Blessed and give your special someone a hug and let them know how much they mean to you.
This is my Keeper.

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