Monday, January 2, 2012

January 2nd 2012

Happy New Year everyone! Well we have made it to 2012. What do you think about that? I for one, didn't have a doubt in my mind that we would make it. I also feel the same way about the great prediction for Dec 21, 2012. We may have some big event happen, but I really do not think the earth will be destroyed. I believe that the Mayans, ended their Calendar at that date, but maybe there was some reason why they did not go farther, I do not believe it was because that is when the earth will cease to be. Oh well, enough of this, save it for the end of this year, we have quite a few days to go (smile). How was your New Years day? Ours was nice and quiet. We really do have a relaxed life most of the time. We have never had an argument, If there is something on either one of our minds we talk about it, and you know what, it really works! The thing about comunication being a lot of the problems with relationships is true. No one thinks, they just start shouting and it escalates into a full blown storm of hurtfull shouting match. Thats not really love. If you really love someone you do not want to jurt them, you want to protect the from any kind of harm, physical or verbal. Think about that the next time an argument begins. Just maybe it might help you to avoid the shouting and start talking. Well, it is cold tonight, it is suposed to drop to 28 degrees F. That is cold!I have a nice fire going in the fireplace, plus the furnace runs now and then. Hope you all are warm where ever you are. Be happy and blessed.

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