Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What a difference!

I am rewriting this , I wrote it on the wrong blog page. Ok here goes: I moved here to Alabama from Northern New York state 6 years ago.In these 6 years I have gone back twice to visit my oldest son Robert and my sister Judy, and all my friends. Not a lot has changed up there except that Watertown has added some streets and expanded. Other than that I saw no difference, same people, children have grown and are no longer toddlers and some elders have passed away,new babies born. They are still trying to keep up with their bills, it is a battle because they have cold weather for about 6 months a year. Thats a lot of fuel being bought to heat their homes and drive their cars. I moved south for 2 reasons, 1. I have copd and have a lot of trouble with my lungs. It is much easier for me to breath when it is warm or even hot. Cold weather shuts me down. 2 I was a widow since 2004, and I met Howard, online and we talked for 1 year, I knew or rather suspected that he was a special man, I was right. I came south to spemd Christmas with 2 of my sons and met Howard in person. We have been together for 6 going into 7 years. We have never had any,not even one argument, instead of being stupid we talk things over. It actually works,it is great. Since I moved down here I have seen what a difference it is from N. New York. The people are friendly. When you go into a business whether it be a store, or resturante , or maybe a doctors office, they greet you with a "HEY HOW YALL DOING TODAY?" Also the clerks at the grocery stores act like they know you. Plus, the other customers are like old friends, and if you only have 1 or 2 items they will push you up ahead of them. I tell my sister its like going back in time to the 60's. I love it, and the beachs are white sand and the Gulf coast is awesome. If anyone is looking for a great place to love, I recommend Alabama. Be happy and blessed. Jodie

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