Saturday, December 15, 2012

What is Happening to Our World????

I am deeply saddened and along with the sadness is a burning rage, that this could keep happening to our children!!!!!!!! I am beginning to realize why a lot of people wish to  home school  Their children. Most are safer at home.Home schooling is alright as long as you also find away to socialize your children with other ones of the same age and back round. I know there will be a lot of strange things going on Friday the 21st  . Many people who are panicking about the " end " of times supposed to be happening at that time.  I  do not believe this. There has been many of these predictions., each one  was wrong. I was a student during one of these  such times, in fact I faked being sick so i could stay home. Around lunch time I came down from my room and asked my mom what she was making , she looked at me and said something about a fast recovery,well then I told her.She snickered and went  to the kitchen and made soup and sandwich .When she came back to eat with me and have a talk about this   whole idea,she opened the window up  and asked if I had ever seen a prettier day?  So my mom has passed a couple of years ago, I only hope I can relay this message to my children and Grand son. like my Mom did for me those many years ago. Have a nice day and I know you will be having a week or 2 off for Christmas.During this season be kind to each other, especially your Moms and Grand moms, After all they are the ones who make this day a success! Be blessed and happy. Try to be on your best behavior  Jodie

Monday, December 10, 2012

Well, Hello Again! It's been a while!

    I have been busy so. Howard  has been blogging.So I am going to  put my 2 cents in, and do a blog.  It  is the  season  where families come together and celebrate.  It is supposed to be a religious holiday, but somewhere along the way it became all about spending money. Now it is basically a time to have fun ,I am not really complaining ,  it does help to bring families together.   But, I believe that if you have so much money to spend on expensive presents, you can afford to go to the food pantries or the Salvation army kitchens, where they are making Christmas dinners for the poor and homeless. I believe that if you are fortunate and not just financially, also health wise, you should give back and help those who are less fortunate.
    As you probably know, if you have been following our blogs. We are blessed with a grandson "Tiberius" Ty  for short. He will be 2 yrs old tomorrow. This is the first Christmas that he has actually noticed everything about  the holidays. He has grouped all the parts of the season into 2 words Ho Ho.He sees  trees trimmed and they are Ho Ho trees. Santa is Ho Ho man., Decorated  houses or the street decorations are Ho Ho trees. The  way he see's it if it is lit up it is a Ho Ho ,(Christmas) tree , house, candy cane etc. He is so full of excitement and the wonderment of  Christmas it is  The most fun I have had for a long time. Just looking at his eyes as he is watching the twinkling colorful lights is so fulfilling and exciting. His other Grandma Laura and I both agree that Tiberius is our only grand  child right now,,yes we both are spoiling him  but not in a bad way. We are just giving him an abundance of love. As for the Grandpas, Howard is the brains and Allen is the brawn.Howard is the computer, books , pencil pusher type though he is no weakling by any means.Allen, the other Grandpa is the Sports minded, hunter fisherman type. So between both  Ty will learn about  everything. But he will learn a lot more from his parents. It is going to be a long wonderful time growing up our Grandson. I hope all you grandparents and parents will  look at your children and think about what I have said and enjoy your years with  them.  be blessed and happy  Jodie From Alabama.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


     Our President was re- elected last night. So congratulations are in order. I have spent some time reading the text messages etc. Friends, relatives, an acquaintances, A lot of disappointed people about Obama's win and some very happy ones like my hubby. At one point I almost laughed, but I held  back. Someone said we are all going to die.(eventually we all do)  I thought that was a little far fetched,so I just  said, oh  Dec 21,2012 is next month. But I am sorry I am an optimistic person. I do not think the world will end next month. I think it could be another change  that will make things different. Could happen Like Sandy changed New York city.  I heard that they were going to get hit by a nor'easter snow storm.I think it was supposed to be today.To be honest I didn't check the weather as of yet.It is chilly here today(62 degrees) so I am not moving around alot .My other half and I both have diabetes and copd combined  with arthritis and cold weather is not a good thing.  We live on the southern tip of Alabama so it gets down to the 40's or 50's with a possibility of the teens in Jan but not usually. When I lived in Northern New York state,It was on the St. Lawrence river so It was cold and frigid and short summers and at that they were not hot .You had winter, and fall  for the most part.So,now I am in mostly warm weather. I have been trying to get my son Robert to move down here, but no luck yet.Howard is working in the kitchen  God this man can cook! He made a special dinner for me last night:)  steak filled with crab cheese  and potatoes and onions cooked together. I was so full! I am keeping him. :)  that's all for today Be blessed, happy,and safe  Jodie

Saturday, October 6, 2012

October 6th 2012 already!

Time certainly is flying by. Seems like it was just yesterday that it was beginning summer.  My  grandson will be 2 yrs old in 2 months.  He looks and acts like he is a 3 year old . He is a very special child.  I know all grandparents say that. I waited 40 years for a grand child. My oldest 2 sons haven't " gone forth and multiplied,"  My youngest, Chris , did it. I am so glad he did. As i was saying Ty is like a 3 yr old. Chris bought him a ride on "Thomas the train"He only had the engine.
He went and found 2 boxes from his pull-up diapers and put them behind his engine.  
He thought of this himself, he surprised himself and everyone else. Howard got him some crayons and a Thomas the train coloring book. he was all excited, wasn't sure about the crayons,His mom showed him how to color and he did some but found it more exciting to try to color his legs and arms with the green crayon. Thank God it was crayons ,they do not work on the body, had it been markers we would be looking at some serious Pesciso  body art. (smile).
    My little American Eskimo (Spitz), had us  really scared. We went shopping one afternoon, leaving Justice and Sparky home alone as we do, Something happened when we got home Justice was acting strange. He  cried out when he got up he seemed to be standing with his head hanging  so I thought he might have a sore throat or tonsillitis. Yes dogs do get that, I had a German shepherd catch it from me years ago. Well the next day he seemed  a little better so we gave him the antibiotics and pain killers. The next day I took one look and I thought he was dieing, we rushed him to the vets and she checked everything and he has a badly sprained neck. Her idea was that the 2 dogs were playing on the furniture and they got a little to rough,Justice either fell or jumped and hurt himself.  He is almost like new he is taking prednisone and Tramadol.Thanks to our Vet.Amy Paszkowski., Justice will be around a while longer. That's it for now" Live long and prosper" (Mr. Spock")
   Be blessed and Happy Jodie  from Alabama.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

jodie-fyi: WOW!

jodie-fyi: WOW!:       WOW!  Unbelievable!  My other half is doing a blog also, he is all about current events, politics,wars, everything all around the worl...


      WOW!  Unbelievable!  My other half is doing a blog also, he is all about current events, politics,wars, everything all around the world.  He has readers from  everywhere all over the world.  He is surprised at how many people are interested in what he has to say.  I on the other hand,am not really surprised. He is very intelligent, he is well schooled ,was in the service, and a college graduate.  He watches and reads,researches everything he writes about.Yes, I have a smart man and he can cook too! Seriously ! He  really can,and healthy tasty food. Yes he is a keeper!!! O yes and he does clean-up nicely also.
      Well yesterday it was 90 degrees and sunny.Went swimming, shopping, was a nice day. Today, it is 71 degrees and raining.  So it is a slow dreary day. My little dog isn't feeling well , he is 7 yrs old so it could be arthritis. He acts like it hurts to move. He has no fever no runny nose or vomiting or diarhrea  So its not a disease.
       Oh yes I meant to tell everyone who reads either  Howard's or my blogs, We would love to get some feed back from our readers. We like to hear what you think, good or bad. At the bottom of the blog you will see it says no comment then shows the picture of a pencil. Click on the pencil and it will show you where to write your comment. We really want to hear what you think.  Well thats about it for this rainy day in Alabama, be blessed and happy Jodie

Monday, September 24, 2012

Sept 24,2012

  As the days go bye a lot of people are getting nervous, worrying about Dec.21,2012.Myself,in my own little world and just 1 opinion, am not worried.I am curious as to whether any thing catastrophic will happen.But not worried.  We have had a few of these world ending threats .In fact, I remember one, when I was in Grade school. I was afraid so I faked  being ill so I could stay home .Low-and-behold! the whole day came and went with out so much as a crack of thunder,or even a cloud . It was a beautiful day.The next one was when I was an adult .  It also was a wonderful day. So I really am just going to do what I always do, and not worry about it. As my other half always tells me;"Don't worry in advance,  wait until you have a reason to worry!" He is a very smart man, and  has been right repeatedly. Am I going to be careful  and alert? Absolutely!  I really would like to go see the Mayans ruins in  Cancun and Yucatan Mexico.That would be very interesting. If we had a motor home we could drive from Alabama! So much for this.If you want serious  read Howard's corner. I like to mainly stay on the light side.

Showing off for the camera 
   Chris ,Tina,and Tiberius was here for a little while today. It was a quick high how ya doing, and we gotta go.  Tiberius, as I have mentioned will be 2 Dec 10. He loves his Grand-parents. When Tina said come on Ty were going BYE_BYE he turned away :)so then she said "do you was to go? He looked in her face and shouted No! He is such a cutie.  So I hope everyone of my readers have a wonderful day--- so long for today.  Jodie

Saturday, September 22, 2012


  Have any of you  seen this Shortening Tin. It is a collectible and I saw where a Mrs Tucker shortening can was sold for $230.00-some $1450 and it was not a Commemorative one so, I"m sure this is worth that or more?. here is a picture of it and its lid: I have been trying to find out  what it is worth , who to ask about it, when it hit me, Ask my readers. There are a lot of people who read our blogs. I am interested in selling it ,so if you can you can tell me anything about it,or want to buy it, you can leave a comment at the bottom under this blog. it says comment , then it shows a pencil. click on the pencil and you will be able to make your comment. Thank you.
Helping clean the car 
Riding that orange horse 
  Well, My grandson Tiberius, is 21 months old, he is learning things so quickly it is amazing. He is picking up on things I say, I did not realize just how much until my son , his daddy, told me that he says "oh no!"When he drops something or bumps into something. Yesterday I dropped something and I said that. Howard  said OK Ty:) . He said I sounded like Ty. Guess who he is copying his grandma.?  So I better be careful what I say. He will be 2 yrs old December 10th. He is much more like a 3 yr old.  I am enjoying being a grandma. I wish I wasn't disabled so I could get out there and run with him,but I am glad that I have the time with him that I do have. Howard  is the 1 who will teach him the knowledgeable things he is very intelligent and good with children . When we go shopping  all the small children  light up when they see him. He talks quietly to them and they smile and try to talk back to him. I'm pretty sure that he will be the one helping him with his school work. His other grandpa and his daddy will show him all the athletic stuff.  and hunting and fishing.Howard is disabled , or he would be active with him . I think that leaves the rest to  the grandmas and mom. Etiquette is not hard to teach , I think the hardest part is getting them to use it. I think the hardest part  will be bringing the north and south together, I was brought up in the northern part of our country and his other grandparents were down here way south. Things that are alright here, are not acceptable up there visa versa. We will blend it all together and Tiberius will be the best of both worlds. The most important thing is that he grows to be a good honest man.  Be blessed and Happy  Jodie .

Thursday, August 30, 2012

What a few days!

   It is August 30th,2012. We, along the Gulf of Mexico have been sitting on pins and needles for the past 5 days.  Hurricane Isaac has kept us guessing.  It finally made landfall in Louisiana Wednesday evening at approximately 8 P:M. In fact it is the anniversary of Katrina, The hurricane that totally devastated LLouisiana a few years ago.  I was not living here in the south at that time, so I did not witness  the horrific travesty of that Hurricane. Though when I moved down here my  other half took me down to the Orange beach area and showed me some of the damage that still was not cleaned up and rebuilt. The white sand was picked up by the hurricane and moved up on shore and covered buildings across the highway and over a hundred feet from it. Buildings were still collapsed. Just seeing that little bit, I can't imagine the damage in New Orleans. Isaac has been  a slow moving storm, so it has lingered in places. Now it is easing up somewhat but is still very dangerous. At this stage, we here in Robertsdale Alabama are getting the outer bands from the storm, so a lot of rain at times and wind.We are watching for flooding and possible tornadoes. We are not out of harms way as of yet. It should be pretty good by Saturday.   So Howard , our dogs and I are fine here waiting for the storm to end.
   Having the computer is  great when we have bad weather, its good to be able to  talk with friends both far and near,  Tiberius, our grandson is now 20 months old, 4 more months and he will be 2 yrs old. He looks like he should be 3yrs instead.  He is the apple of y eye. We have a lot of fun together, he seems to think I am another child since I am only 4" 10"s tall and he is over 36 "s tall (smile)
      I guess that's about it for today , I hope all of you near and far all over the world are safe and well. be happy and blessed .Jodie from Alabama

Friday, August 10, 2012

Haven't had much to say!

  Well, I have not been doing my blog  for a while, things have been kind of slow. So Howard says  just write about what you have been doing, etc; So here goes:First things are pretty soggy, everyday it rains. Usually from 1 - 4 or 5 in the afternoon.  The other day it was really neat, we were in the pool, it began to cloud up with those thunder clouds. Howard got out, but I stayed in.It began raining, not hard just lightly and I found myself in the middle of rain drops . It was really awesome to me, watching the drops land in the water it was almost hypnotic to me at least until the big clap of Thunder.  Then I got out of my rainy wonderland. Oh here we go again it is raining as I am writing this. we do not need it. The people in the middle, and southwestern part of the USA need it, they are in a bad drought. 
   My Grandson Tiberius is 20 months old now. He is  the light of my life.  He feeds himself, but when he is finished he now puts his dishes in the sink, not like before, he would just throw them in the floor.  Ah but, he learned to put them in the sink so well, that if you do not put yours in the sink he will badger you until you do it or if he gets frustrated he will pick a dish up and throw it then yell at you. Also he likes tings to be put in order I believe he might be OCD when he gets older, If things get moved he hurries over to fix them.He could very easily become a neat freak, which can be good and bad. We will wait and see.
   My other half, Howaard has been doing his blogg, He has over 1400 readers, congrats Howard, love you bunches.  He does his on currant events and has readers from all over the world, He is just that good!:)  I do not write about that stuff because I find it depressing. I would rather  keep it light.
    So my friends, heres hopeing you all no matter who you are or where you are have a wonderful day.From Jodie in Alabama

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Talk about lucky!

We were alerted that we were going to get a tropical storm.Everyone was ready to get on the escape road and go. Friends and family called to see that we were going to get out of harms way.  We were watching the storm watches on the television and The computer.  When we saw that it was turning east instead of north west we  were very happy.. they names this storm Debbie.  and she settled for Florida , but it is rain and wind,a tropical storm , ythat was bad enough but when wefirst were warned  we were told it was going to be a hurricane.Thank the good Lord .But see we live in a mobile  home so even though it is double tied down , it could be  destroyed in the event of a full Hurricane.  We want to put a modular house on this property in a couple of years. Once this is all paid for we will be able to do it.  Well, my middle son celebrated his birthday today. 37 yrs ago I gave birth to him. Hope he enjoyed his day.  
    I babysat my grandson yesterday for a while, he keeps me busey. I was in the spare bedroom where Tina keeps the diapers.While I was getting them he got up on the couch and pulled the window blind down on top of him. I heard it and he was makeing his little I didn;t do it on purpose wimpers. I walked in and looked at him and didn't say a word,this was new to him .  He got a little nervous so he got up on the couch where I was puttin it in its bracket. He kept staring at me, when I looked down at him he puckered up and started crying. I still didn't say anything. I sat down and he climbed up on my lap and laid his head against me . Then I said you were bad. He looked down and then I told him not to do it again. And he didn't touch it again. It worked better than scolding or even doing a time out.Ty is a very bright child he learned how to make the computer scroll down or up on a page'  The newest thing as of the last 2 times I babysat , he cries and carries on when I am getting ready to leave. He wants me to stay. I think he must like his grandma lol.
    Well my son is trying to get a job. He went to prison for 10 months and everytime they read it  they say no we just hired someone. Everyone says go get a job,  but no one wants to hire an excon.  He has totally changed plus he loves his little son , Tiberius has brought something out of Chris that I had never seen.  So he is going to go for an interview tomorrow  We have helped them so much that we have nothing left. Her parents have helped also , But they still need to get the 420dollars for their rent, I only pray that the interview goes well tomorrow. The darn diapers are so expensive its crazy.Tina has a job with TJMAX and she brings home about 160 dollars a week but between gas and diapers and trying to pay bills they are drowning.  Chris broke down into tears for a couple of seconds then managed to choke them back, when he found out that his step dad , Howard took the heavy metal frame  of f the bed and I took the wrap arounds off so we could put them with the metal that they are taking to the scrap yard.he was so upset and he told his wife that if his step dad would do this for him and he isn't even related to him, she needs to ask her relatives for help too .  so u see its hard everywhere.  Thats about it for now from Jodie in Bama

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Goodmorning World!

.  It is going to be another hot day today. They are calling for temps in the 90's  think I will be in the pool.Then later Howard and I will go to Walmart to get my prescription for my meds. But I think we will wait until evening when it cools down a little.
   My son planted my cactus  outside the other day, actually it is 3 that were in the pot together. 2 of them were5 foot tall and the other one was a broken piece of the large one , I let the end dry and get some what hard and then I stuck it into the pot beside the other part of it. It grew and so there are 3, They look really good.  I want to get a Palm tree and set it about 8 feet away from the cactus.  I want to get the Palm tree that bares coconuts.  I think Howard and I plan to put fruit trees and berry bushes out also.  I am thinking maybe a small vegetable garden next year.
Little angel 

    I baby sat my Grandson yesterday,he is a year and a half old he looks and acts like a child going on 3 .  He is a big boy and very confident in everything he does .He seems to have a thing for wheels. He loves them everything he has that has wheels , he turns upside down so he can play with the wheels. I love him so much.
As you can see in these pictures he is an angel his horns are there to hold his halo up ,(smile)
                                                      I am looking forward to when I do have a garden ,he can help me plant and learn about gardening.Im sure he will loveharvesting the vegetables .  My son went and got Ty a swing set play center it is all wood except for the slide which is either plastic or fiberglass. It has the tree house  swings and slide. It is big enough for me to get in it , thats how huge it is.
   I guess thats about it for today, be happy and blessed  Jodie
Ty loves the water
Was  trying to tell Gramma something

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

June 19th 2012

Hello again, it is a hot Tuesday the last time I looked it was 90 degrees out and the heat index was 101. This is strange because friends and family in Northern New York state are having tenoeratures in the 90's. Usually it is are around 80  this time of the year, and we are in the high 80's and 90's down here in Alabama. 
  Well I spent the biggest part of the afternoon babysitting my grand son ,while his parnts went and got a swingset with the tree house attached. It is awesome.  He will have a lot of fun with that. then when they cane to get him I jumped in the pool with Howard. So it was a busey day. After the swim Howard made dinner, he and Chris made dinner.  Christopher is doing very well, since he became a father and a husband , he has grown up . I am very proud of the man he has become .
   Howard surprised me with a necklace and earing set they are silver with black onyx stones. So pretty!  He really is so good to me, as I said before he treats me like a queen. I have never had anyone be this good to me. He is  what I always hoped for in a man. Didn't really think I would ever find him. Aren't I lucky?  I am a very happy woman. Thank you Howard.
   Tomorrow is supposed to be very hot, I believe we will all hang around the pool and maybe grill some burgers for lunch,  so for now I will say good night , be happy and blessed , Jodie

Monday, May 28, 2012


Hello, been a while. I decided I should do a blog today.  It is Memorial Day, and is very very hot! We had 96 degrees about 1/2 an hour ago. It is 2:21 in the afternoon. Howard and I spent most of the morning in the pool.  We both have said that the pool is one of the best investments we ever made.  He has a dark tan already, he has an advantage over me , he has the olive tint to his skin from his Meditarian heritage. I have the fair hair light skin .Yes I am a true blonde,only reason I put a rinse in is to hide the gray. My skin doesn't get dark like Howard's does but I do get a tan. This year it seems a little darker than last and I just started this years. Howard has silver hair , which is very sexy with the suntan. Very hard to keep my hands off him . (smile).So much for that.
      Our Grandson is 17 months old now and looks like he is 2yrs. Tiberius is very quick to learn things.
We have to keep doors locked so he will not take off, or go into the office which is where my better half keeps his landscaping business tools and paper work.Tiberius loves it when his Daddy gives him rides on the riding mower. It is a good thing that Howard and Chris do not leave the key in the ignition, because I watched Ti climb up on the mower and try to move the gear stick. I believe he has watched his Grandpa and Daddy so much and so closely that he might be able to start it if he could reach the clutch peddle. 
Great Dane Female  
    My daughter-in-law came home bout 2 weeks ago with a beautiful female Great dane pup.I say pup because I estimate her at 5 or 6 months old. She is like a merle but with sable  and chocolate coloring.This dog is beautiful, loves kids and other dogs, she walks with you without a leash.  I would love to have her,I have had 4 danes  and loved  all. The Great dane is like no other breed of dog.Unfortunately Howard and I have 2 dogs and they fit in to complete our family.  The thing is Tina and Chris have 2 pit bulls  and Tiberius which is a lot to take care of and both of  them working full time. So I am thinking that this pretty girl may be up for grabs ,to a forever home.  She needs someone who will train her and treat her with a lot of love.  Tina told us that she found her tied to a mile marker post on the side of the road. It was very hot and she had no water or shade so she did what most kind people did ,she brought her home.If you are interested in her you can call 251 550 5922 and ask for Tina Brown..
    Well I guess thats abought it for now,stay cool,haooy, and well blessed.  Jodie from Alabama

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Just wondering!

   As I sit here pondering when I will go for my visit to Northern New York State, I started thinking of the things I plan to do while I am there.First and formost is to vist my son Robert,my sister Judy, and my closest friends.  Then take a look at all the changes that have been going on up there in the last 2 yrs.I heard that they have added quite a few new  resturantes and other new businesses.

Autum  picture 

Summer picture 
   One of the places I plan to visit is Boldts Castle.  It was built buy George Boldt for his wife.  She died before it was finished so he stopped all work on it. The State of New York has bought it and have been restoring it to what it would have been had Louise lived.I  am putting this link on so any who would like to read about it and take the virtual tour may do  so.  It really is a grand place to spend a day. It is located on Hart Island in the St.Lawrence river. Directly across from Alexandria Bay .They have cruises . also if you would rather not do the cruise they have taxi boats to take you to the Island .I can't wait to go there, the last time I visited they hadn't started the renovation, and by the pictures I have seen, they are doing a marvelous job.Oh yes there is much much more to see. Go to the link and check it out for yourself. Thats all for today  as always be blessed and Happy . Jodie

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Happy Easter One and All!

  Well it is Easter all ready, and the weather is beautiful.  My son ,his Wife and their son ( my Grandson) Tiberius were here for the day. We had a cook out. Chris grilled ham , chicken and hamburgers. Something for everyone.  Tina took Ty in the pool he had fun and as the day progressed ,he became extremely tired. So after he ate he conked out for a long nap. My honey, Howard had fun with  Ty . He loves our Grandson so much, he is a wonderful Grand dad.  Chris did a great job with the grill and he fixed the riding mower , put   the new blades on . He is a really good son. And a super Dad.  I am proud of the way he is . He had some very trying times but he is doing everything right now.
    The temperature now,2 days after Easter, is 80 degrees not a cloud in the sky.  The birds are churping and the bees are dive-bombing everything. So far no  stings. The dragon flys are flitting all over the place.  I put my cactus out on the deck, it is too so tall for the house ..I may just plant it in the ground, lets see how it does outside first.
     Tiberius found out he could run , I am enjoying watching him going through his toddler stage. I didn't get to actually watch  with my sons. I was to busey being Mother and wife,there wasn't much free time. So I am seeing, that being a Grandma, is awesome.Plus I can spoil him and get away with it.Yup! being Grandma Jo is a great deal of fun and satisfaction. Until my next blogg,be blessed and happy. Jodie

Monday, April 2, 2012

Yay! The Deck is done!

    The deck is done and my little Grandson  is happy. He is going to be 16 months old on the10th of this month. He has already decided it is his favorite place in our house.  He played out there for a couple of hours then was ready for a nice 2 hour nap.So he has 10'x22'deck for a play ground..When we are sure he won't eat bugs or dirt or grass and weeds,we will get him a play ground swing set. But as of now I'm pretty sure he would eat everything  he finds.  We do let him on the ground but watch him closely.

   His Dad has bought him some pool toys, he likes them  but is a little small for them yet. He has fire in those eyes . He is  a little tiger. I really do appreciate my son adding on to our existing deck. Howard and I are really outdoor people.  We both love to use the pool and cooking on the grill is always a great way to keep the house cool, and our whole family loves the flavor of grilled food. Even though the price of gas keeps climbing ,and we can't afford to go everywhere  we use to go, we are enjoying ourselves at home.  We do go out to eat once in a while,  If Howard would only win the lottery we would help a lot of people , my special charity is the Humane society. I have a big passion for animals,children and the elderly. We both have some really great ideas.
 We have discussed this for a long time.  Figuring  who we can make donations to and how it will all work.  So if the time does come when we win , we are pretty much prepared.  Just gotta win it.  Thats about it for today be blessed and happy.Tell somebody you care.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

So it is almost done!

  The deck is almost completed. Chris has been working on it and he is doing a great job.  They ,Howard and Chris, have made a few changes in how it was originally supposed to be ,but they are good changes. It is almost finished. When it is, I will be putting up pictures.  They decided to make the far end into a grilling area, Complete with the corner walled in and shelves.
Howard and Chris
   I got in the pool yesterday and almost froze.  The guys said it was nice and they were in there . Well I have always been the girl who refused to be out done by a guy so in I went, brrrrrrr!and brrrrrr!again! I was freezing, but  I stayed in , actually it helped my shoulder, I have bursitis very badly. So I did my exercises in the cold water and to my surprise it actually helped.  My sons have all played football, infact 2 of them played semi pro. They always said ice packs and cold water helps more than heat. I am a believer!

   So here it is 3/22/2012. The temperature is 80 degrees and the sun is shining, we have a possibility of Thunder storms later. You wouldn't know it though if you could see it, it is a beautiful day. Thats what I love about Alabama, its like having summer most of the year. We only get  about the total of 1 1/2 months of cold weather, and at that usually you only require a sweater or light jacket during the day, but the furnace sometimes at night.  But other than, that it is warm, warmer and hot temperatures. I grew up in Northern New York State, where you had from June to about the first week of September of warm and warmer temperatures.  I actually liked the snow but wanted it gone after i was done playing in it. I would actually cry and tell my mom that I wanted summer all the time. She use to tell me wait until you grow up and then live in the south.. Well it was the long way around but I finally landed in Alabama a crazy man , and I couldn't be any happier.
    Well I guess that's about it for today be blessed and Happy. Jodie

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Saturday 3/24/2012


 How beautiful today was and the sun set was equally beautiful.  When I get up and see the beautiful blue skies here in Alabama I  am so happy that I moved down here. Then I look at my crazy man's smile as he says goodmorning and I am positive that I am where I am supposed to be.
   Today I got a few things accomplished , clearing out stuff that is  just junk, especially in the mail category.I have a bad habit of keeping things that should go into the trash can. And I also have a habit of not looking at my mail, I just set it aside ,Howard will put it in front of me , he says it drives him" nuts" that I do not check it right away.  Its ok though, one of us has to be on top of things.  I will finally open it  smile at him ,and ask him if he is happy and he will smile back and say yes.  We really do get along wonderfully.  He is the only man that actually comes close to understanding me. That means a lot, and if there is a problem we sit and talk , which is the way it should be. Its all about listening to each other.  It really does work. He never shouts , he explains his point , and if I am right he will admit it and I do the same.  I love my life.
    Well it looks like we may be able to get into the pool tomorrow.  It is warm enough    now.  So our summer is beginning. We are usually in the pool a couple of hours every day that it doesn't rain. Now that we have the deck  increased and the ladder attached to it it is much easier and its going to be a great summer. We will put pictures up every so often. Well I am going to go watch the television with Howard so be blessed and happy  Jodie

Thursday, March 22, 2012

What a Day!

  Well, here it is. I wasn't planning on doing this blogg today but I need to vent and I guess this is the best way to do it. First it seems to me that once in a while someone would listen to me.I am refering to my youngest son Chris who is in the process of building on to our deck, which , if you read the last blogg , you know about.  I told him he was getting sunburned he was red, he just said "I will have a beautiful tan." Well at around midnight he comes into the house like crazy man . His sunburn became very bad with an allergic reaction, he had itching that he said felt like fire ants biting him all over where the burn was. He took a shower  but it made it worse so he kept rubbing it , which you should never do and he made it raw. So any of the creams for sunburn made it burn because of the menthol to cool a normal burn. Finally after he was almost insane with the itching, his wife took him to the hospital er.they gave him a shot and some pills .they went home, But he put some other cream on and started burning . So the last time they called me it was 5am.  I haven't heard since, they must be asleep  finally.I went to sleep and got up at 10 am.
     My next complaint is this; when you sign into this site where they stop telemarketers from calling.Why do theystill get away with calling? It is very irritating to be in the middle of something and have to stop every 15 minutes to answer the phone , when it is an unnecessary call. If I was interested in their product I would call them! So stop calling. I guess that is my complants for this afternoon.  Hope your day has been blessed and happy, until next time Jodie

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hey World!

 Well. My other half and son Chris have been enlargeing our deck from 10 x10 to 10 x22.It is almost done I am putting pictures on , they are of the beginning and as it is progressing. AS you can see it is going well.
We should have it completed in a day or so.If you look carefully , you can see how they have put the ladder  so it is through the floor. when it is all finished, there will be a gate infront of the ladder with a child proof lock so Tiberius does not get into it . The way the wholething will have plenty of room for the deck lounge chairs , the grill and a sall table and chairs.  Yes, I believe our dream is going to come true. Howard and I have talked about having this for a long time. Thank you Christopher for being here to help us and I hope you ,Tina and little Ty  have as much fun as we do. We love you all so much.
  Well people thats about it for today,be blessed and happy.  Jodie 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

 Well here it is March and for the 17th , it is beautiful outside.It is like mid summer here, ny son and a friend are outside getting the pool ready, and adding an extra 16 feet to our deck.  I think it will be a great summer. Lots of fun at home, and the good part about it is that Chris and Tina,and Ty,my son and his wife and son ( my grandson
  live right next to us. Since gas prices are so high , we will be home most of the time.They only need to walk across the back yard.  This picture of the Palm tree was taken at the beach Gulf shores it is so beautiful,with the white sand and is one of our favorite places. The picture of the pool was taken 2 yrs ago when relatives were up to visit.Chris ,(my son) was catching  Cole who was 6yrs old. Cole wanted to cannon ball but was to small and didn't know how to swim.He and Chris did that for quite a while.  I remember he remarked the next day that his arms were a little sore. He had fun though. You should see the flowers I especially like the azalea bushes they are gorgeous.  I go down the road in aw of all the beauty in this state.

      Chris and I were talking about having a cook out tomorrow with us and pool fun.It will be a fun Sunday  afternoon..   So I guess thats about it for today.  Be blessed and happy .  Jodie   .

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Hello Hope Y'all are Well and Safe!!!

   Here in the United States, we are having a bad time with (Mother Nature) she seems to have decided to hand us a variety of bad weather.  From the snowy north to the tornadoes in the middle and the south. The north west is getting cold and snow, as is the north east.  I guess the only place that March came in like a lamb was way down in the deep southern tip of Alabama, we had decent weather until last night, and even that wasn't too bad . We were under Tornado watches until 3am,in Baldwin county where we live. We picked up a little thunder and a couple of quick downpours of rain. We were very lucky,Thank God.  A huge amount of people all over the middle and south have lost their homes and i believe there were some fatalities
   My son and his wife and Ty are all moved in(the property behind ours) and Ty is having a ball.  He is exploring his new home. Picking on the dogs.(2 pit bulls)  He is going to be 15 months old on the 12th.   he is curious about everything, .It doesn't matter if it is a piece of lint that fell on the floor, he has to see what it is and what it tastes like(thank goodness the dogs do there business outside).  We are after him all the time,he finds things we never see.But he sees them and the smaller the better. Gotta love babies. They keep us young.  I know that I have much more interest in being as active as possible. My Grandson has restored my zest. I actually walked across both of our back yards , this is a feat for me,concidering I have COPD and just got over pneumonia a couple of weeks ago.  The distance from our back door to their back door is about 1000 feet . This is simple for most people but a big accomplishment for me.  Simply put, Tiberius Allen Brown, has given me a new lease on life. 

  For all you people who read our bloggs, we wish you the best , be happy and blessed. Jo

Saturday, February 25, 2012


 I was bragging about it getting warm , then it suddenly became rather chilly out. I know to all my family and friends up there on the Saint Lawrence River, this sounds like a joke , but it is only 58 degrees out and going to drop to 48 tonight. I know, your thinking, Is she kidding?  See I lived within  6 miles of the Canadian border in the Alexandria Bay Area.  So I know what you have for winters up there. Ah, but you see I have been down here on the Gulf coast are for 6 years. My body has been acclimatized. I'm use to the warm weather, an I like it that way.  I try to travel up to visit my family and friends once a year or every other year.     I use to love seeing the trees change color in the fall, and the first snowfall.  But I always wanted the warm weather to come right back.  Now, you couldn't pay me to live up there in the winter.I lived in Indianapolis, Indiana during the big Blizzard of 1978, while you all got 30 feet tall snow drifts , I was laughing because the city of Indy was totally at a stand still with only a couple of snow plows and they only had 2 feet of snow. I grew up with snow so I was driving all over the place. I was having a ball. But I hear that  Indiana has since got themselves fully equipped for snow removal. They get a lot of the cold weather and snow these days since global warming has progressed.
       My son and his family have been moving in next door. I was over there the other night , while Tina and Ty was there , I was helping with Ty, keeping him out of mischief. He was busy with the broom pretending to sweep.  As you can see , he was very busy.  He is only 14 months old. He loves to help, He really likes to stack cans . If you want to keep him busy take a bunch of cans ,put them on the floor and let him see you putting them in the cabinet.He will start doing it and be happy, in fact when he gets them all in , he will take them back out and start all over again.  I love being a grandma. (smile)  That's about it for today, be blessed and Happy.Tell someone you love them,because tomorrow maybe to late.  Jodie

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

From Teddy to Grizzily

 If you are a regular reader of our bloggs , you know that I write  about everyday things. Such as my Grandson or my dogs etc. A deal at the store or a new recipe, But My other half, Howard is a man who steps up and says what he thinks about the horrible current events all over the world.  Believe me, when you read his blogg, it may sound like he is a violent man. He is not, in fact a lot of his friends have taken advantage of him . He is a very gentle giving man.  But don't do anything to anyone he cares about , he can  go from my big teddy bear,to a big Grizzly Bear and rip you apart. So when you read his blogg ,just so you know he is not a mad man.  He just tells it like it is!  I wouldn't have him any other way.  Now for my big news. My son , his wife Tina and Tiberius my precious Grandson,are buying the place behind us.  It is awsome. Now we will be able to watch Ti as he is growing up.  I love this idea, and I am not a meddling Mother-in-law, I try to stay out of their problems . They need to count on each other, and they are doing pretty good.  On another note, Howard caught my cold,  so we are coughing together.  Should be gone soon.  Here is a tip : try Mucinex DM it is fantastic, it really does break up  chest congestion.  When I had pneumonia  in the hospital, they gave it to me. So when I get a cold I use it so it does not go into pmeumonia.It works very well. Well thats about it for now be blessed and Happy.  Jodie

Friday, February 10, 2012


We now have a new family member, Boodro, he is a 1 year old male Pitbull. They say he is a blue nose. As you can see he is very well musceled already. He is going to be a power house when he does finally mature. All those horrible accusations about how mean they are and how the pitbull is not to be trusted, that is because of the dogs who were mistreated and made mean or afraid, because of what humans have done to them. They are like all dogs , actually most living things, when shown love and kindness ,if there is no health disorder to cause other wise,will return love and kindness. I have also included a picture of Bama, the 2 yr old female pit bull that they have had since she was about8 weeks old. She is a bundle of love they both are. She is a red nose very pretty red colored body with white markings. Where as Boodro had a dark color much darker than she is with more white markings. I was never really interested in this breed until I moved south and they are everywhere, 90 % of them that I have seen are very friendly. Only 10% of the pits that I have seen are good watch dogs, the 2 that my son has are big babies and not watch dogs at all .Its all in how they are raised. I guess what I am trying to say is these wonderful animals are getting a bad reputation because of a few poor messed up dogs.We are bad for doing this as human beings, we judge everything and everyone by what a few do or look like etc. Wake up humans open your eyes and ears, think a bout it. Well thats it for now be happy and blessed. Jodie

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

We went shopping!

Was a great day, we went shopping,Tina,Tiberius, Howard and I.It was a beautiful day, not hot-not cold, one of those days when you have no complaint about the weather. So we went over to Florida because there is no sales tax on groceries,they charge 9% tax over here in Alabama.Plus, we wanted to buy a couple of lottery tickets wishing to win the 200 million dollars in the power ball drawing tonight.Alabama doesn't believe in the lottery, they are against any type of gambling. Most of the states are using the money thet get from the gambling taxes to help their states with the schools and other inportant things. Alabama is very foolish, they would be a whole lot better off financially if they would let the people gamble right in their own state. Why should the other states reap the harvest from Our citizens going outside of our state to gamble and buy lottery tickets? Sometimes the old fashioned ways are not the best ways. Anyhow, if Howard and I hit a big amount of money we plan to take care of some charities . We have some that are dear to our hearts. We feel that if we are blessed with a big windfdall, it is only right that we help those less fortunate than us. I personally have 3 passions, they are the children, animals and homeless people. Howard has a couple of others but I know these are his also. So wish us luck!!! Shopping was fun, I had Tiberius in the shopping cart with me and Tina, Howard was gathering the things we needed for our house and Tina and I were getting the foods that Tiberius liked. He is such a wonderful baby 14 months old(looks 2 1/2)he is very good when we take him in public. He jibber jabbers about everything and giggles. It is a lot of fun to shop with him,We stopped to get burgers and fries at Wendys he ate almost all of his fries and half of his burger! He has a great big appetite.I think he weighs about 28 pounds right now and he is 29 inches tall. I would say good size for 14 months, wouldn't you
say so?Bye for today. everyone be blessed.Jodie

Friday, February 3, 2012

Busey Day!

Well today is the 3rd of the month,which if you are disabled and on social security, means pay day. So it was an extremely busey day. Paying bills, shopping, and enjoying being out for a while. Since gas prices have been so high we do not go out unless it is a necessary trip. When it warms up and we can use the pool, it won't even bother us to stay home. Last summer we actually dreaded having to go out because we were having such a good time in the pool.This year should be even better. Tiberius is 14 months old so he will be able to actually play, and have fun. He loved the water last year but he was still in the infant stage where he wasn't walking etc. But he sure loved splashing his grandma. I laughed so much with him, I love being a grandma. So now I am trying to find where they sell the little baby carriers made out of the stuff boogie boards are made of. So I can put him in it in the pool.Im not sure they make life vests for 11/2 yr old children. Whatever we will find them. The next thing is for Howard and Chris to extend the deck out farther so we can use it more.Sun bathing,cookouts,and just hanging out enjoying the good weather.I'm not sure but I believe it will end up about 10 ft by 26 ft, when they do this I will put a picture of it on here.I am always talking about our dogs and I finally got a nice picture of Sparkey so i am putting it on here,she is one of the gentlest dogs I have ever been around. I am sure she has taken after the collie side since she is not agressive,so she looks mostly shepherd except the snout is more narrow and longer like the collie she is beautiful body and personality. I love dogs and horses they are my 2 passions, well besides Howard and my family hehehehe! Enough for today ,be happy and blessed Jodie.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Already Feb,2012

Time is our greatest enemy.For now at least,no way to change that.Me,I was born on July 3rd. 66 years ago. That means on a sliding scale the end is not to far in the future.Funny how we were immortale in our 20's!! Anway july 3rd is a good day. Franz Kafka was born to write books.Ken Russell to direct films,Poly Styrene to sing and Tom Cruise to act.Not bad for a scientologist from Alfa Sentori.I am in good company. Then events that were on July 3rd: the last pair of Aurks where killed,the 3rd and last battle of Gettysburg, Idaho became the 43rd state in America,as well as the feast of ST.Thomas the apostle.Look it up,186 world events so far on July 3rd...So Tom Cruise and me.He is married to katie Holmes.Cute but as a guy, why be with any women who puts her bra on backwards and it still fits?----NOW- the American economy.Things are tough for 98% of us. So we resort to other measures to tighten our hold on money.We have here in this country thrift stores.Later to day I will buy 1 months supply of bread.8 whole wheat multi grain loaves-2 loves of texas toast(thick sliced white bread)2-loaves gravy dipping bread(BBQ bread)-4 packages of rolls of which 2 are onion-and 3 packages of wheat subs(small french).To buy this in Walmart costs around $65.00.But in a bread thrift store $33.00. Quite a savings.So there are discount meat stores,clothing stores>(Salvation Army or Goodwill),even wii-xbox and play station game stores.Because things are tight to the point, some weeks I run in the minus money wise.That makes above great for me and my gal.We cut coupons from ads sent by mail and use the computer to down load more coupons. Then there are different types of dollar stores!! Everything in the store sells for $1.00 plus tax.Other types of dollar store offer items for a dollar and up.They sell can+bag dog food(I have 2 dogs),can veggies,can ham,chip,dips,and often some meats and cheese.By now you must have a picture in your head of what I mean. In 2 daysI get my social security check.This is all the money I have,but while there is none left after paying my bills and buying food,it is still better then the 3rd world country's people have.I love my country even thought I dispise the congress and the senate.Unlike most Americans who have no health insurance....I served in the military for 5 years.This means my health care,doctors,operations are paid for by my government. Not all though.Medicine glasse's-dentist are not.Still it is good to be in America.That's about it for me today. In a day or two I will get back to things around the world that effect all of us. BE WELL,BE BLESSED,BE HAPPY.JUST FOR THE HECK OF IT CALL SOMEONE YOU CARE ABOUT AND SAY HELLO--- BYE HOWARD This is a picture of Sparkey. She is a sweetheart.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My little big man!

Tiberius Allen Brown is my Grandson, as you well know.Well, that is if you have been following my blog. If not, you are reading about him now. He is 13 monthhs old soon to be 14 months. He is the apple of my eye. It is very hard for me to be strict with him. H e looks me straight in the eye all the while I am saying no. As I am saying no he is doing whatever it may be that I was trying to keep him from. While I am looking eye to eye with him I have to keep from smiling which
is quite difficult. He is so little yet so determined, it is amazing!One of the pictures I am putting on here is of him with his dog Bama. She loves him so much, but she is way to strong for him to play with her. So petting is ok for now.
Ti thinks he is a lot bigger than he really is, as you can se he is trying to hold this piece of pipe with one hand. I realize that it is aluminum but look how long it is. He is such a little stinker. Any how he is Howard and my only grandchild so far. Yes he is a little spoiled, but not in a bad way.
This other picture is of him a couple of months ago when he decided to try to wear his daddys shoes, oh yes before he got his first hair cut, which I really still can't totally get use to. So thats about it for today Be happy and blessed,tell someone how much you care.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Back on!

Well, as you have noticed, I haven't written anything in over a week. I had a little touch of pneumonia and was not feeling very well. I am well on the way to being my old self. The weather is not bad here, 63 degrees out at 4:30 in the evening. It is supposed to drop to about 36 degrees tonight. I guess I cannot complain, after all its not snowing. Well as I said I am feeling much better. I found out that My best friend from North NY state lost her husband of 35 yrs. He passed on the 27th.I feel bad for her She is a wonderful person and they were happily married.This is something that you really do not find very often. The divorce rate is horrible. So once again if you are reading this, Cheri I am thinking about you and your family and praying that you can get through this with the thought that Denny is smiling at you. This opens up a subject that I would like to talk about Howard and I are married common law. Both he and I have been married to others before and they were not good. This is working for us very well. 6years so far, we have not had any arguments, I think this is much better and the state of Alabama considers it the same as legally married. So yes we are together. Next subject, Do any of you know where I can download a copy of blueprints for making solar pannels for saving electricity? If you know how or where, send it to my email Thank you. So thats about it for today be happy and blessed. Jodie Oh yes check out Howards blog, He gets going on everything and everybody (smile)

Monday, January 23, 2012

January 23rd,2012

This month is flying by. I am very happy it is for a few reasons, I can't wait until it is warm enough to swim, and I can't wait until all of the flowers are in bloom. I mean we have all kinds of blooming bushes and trees. Though we do have some of the trees that shed their leaves, but in a couple of months or less they start growing them right back. Mostly everything stays green,but you can tell the difference. But for me, I am a warm weather person. It is 78 here today and raining off and on. But that's still not snow! When I think about it like that, I feel ok with the rain.(smile) Well my other half seems to have a stomach bug, he is in bed trying to get over it. I pitty him on that , I hate stomach cramps,I had some the other day but they didn't last too long. But I have had a bug for a couple of weeks,Head and chest cold, been trying to get over it without going to the hospital. So far so good. Lots of vitamins, good food, mucinex chest congestion pills plus sinus meds to keep head clear. It is working but very slowley. I can recommend the mucinex dm they are fantastic. You can buy them without a prescription, and they really work. I have had pneumonia more than 9 times in my life time. So I know what I am talking about. Because I have diabeties and COPD, my immunity is compromised so if someone with a little cold so much as clears their throat I will catch whatever they have. Which is why I very careful in public, and sometimes just stay home. I hate going to the doctors office cuz I usually end up sick. So I am trying to lose a lot of weight, hoping it will help my breathing which the doctors think it will.Hopefully when I can move around better I will be able to build my immunity back up. So this is what is going on and Howard is such a wonderful help, plus he has so many patiencs with me. Couldn't do it with any other man, He is very special, like my Mom said Better keep him, cuz he is a keeper. Thank you again, you are a Keeper ... Be happy and Blessed and give your special someone a hug and let them know how much they mean to you.
This is my Keeper.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

We are on the downside now!

Winter is almost over down here in alabama...I am thinking that maybe 3 more weeks and we will be on the way to a beautiful quick spring and straight to summer. I am very anxious. This will be a great summer.Our grandson is 13 months old, so he can actually play and also we have our pool already up and all we need to do is get in.( will be a fun summer). lots of family cookouts and swimming,etc... I am surprised,each time I see Ty. he is bigger and cuter than he was before! I have to say one thing though< he is exactly like his Daddy.A very happy , mischievous child...He will do something that you tell him not to do and stand there looks straight at you,looking straight in your eyes, and does whatever it is that he isn't suppose to do.I slapped his little hand and he just smiled at me and continued, I gave him a little pop on the butt , but his diaper felt it not him. I telling you he is stubborn. like his Daddy was and still is. Ah, but I did finally win. I find myself looking at toddler toys when I go to the department stores. gosh I haven't done this in very long time,and to tell you the truth, I really do like it. I am totally amazed at the new types of toys for little children. Toddlers of today are so far advanced from what they were 40 years ago when my oldest was one. Tiberius figures things out quite quickly. Such as the Mustang car he learned the buttons on top of it and which ones make it go forward and backward plus the lights and sound. I really am enjoying watching Tiberius grow. I was so happy last night when Tina came through the door carrying him,as soon as he saw Howard, his arms went out and a big take me smile was all over his face. I think it is good for Ty when he is here, we have a fairly placid environment. The only time there is any loud voices its usually laughter or Howard or me calling to each other. So yes, I really believe we are a good influence on his little world. Well thats about it for today be happy and blessed. Jodie

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What a difference!

I am rewriting this , I wrote it on the wrong blog page. Ok here goes: I moved here to Alabama from Northern New York state 6 years ago.In these 6 years I have gone back twice to visit my oldest son Robert and my sister Judy, and all my friends. Not a lot has changed up there except that Watertown has added some streets and expanded. Other than that I saw no difference, same people, children have grown and are no longer toddlers and some elders have passed away,new babies born. They are still trying to keep up with their bills, it is a battle because they have cold weather for about 6 months a year. Thats a lot of fuel being bought to heat their homes and drive their cars. I moved south for 2 reasons, 1. I have copd and have a lot of trouble with my lungs. It is much easier for me to breath when it is warm or even hot. Cold weather shuts me down. 2 I was a widow since 2004, and I met Howard, online and we talked for 1 year, I knew or rather suspected that he was a special man, I was right. I came south to spemd Christmas with 2 of my sons and met Howard in person. We have been together for 6 going into 7 years. We have never had any,not even one argument, instead of being stupid we talk things over. It actually works,it is great. Since I moved down here I have seen what a difference it is from N. New York. The people are friendly. When you go into a business whether it be a store, or resturante , or maybe a doctors office, they greet you with a "HEY HOW YALL DOING TODAY?" Also the clerks at the grocery stores act like they know you. Plus, the other customers are like old friends, and if you only have 1 or 2 items they will push you up ahead of them. I tell my sister its like going back in time to the 60's. I love it, and the beachs are white sand and the Gulf coast is awesome. If anyone is looking for a great place to love, I recommend Alabama. Be happy and blessed. Jodie